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Soft Power 锵锵 2017 V


在艺术的世界里,有一支不容忽视的女性力量。她们信奉艺术和创造是生命价值的体现,创作不同凡响的作品,并向人们展示女艺术家的激情和对世界的认识。凤凰于飞,和鸣锵锵。“锵锵”是狮语画廊自2011年来为女性艺术家举办的系列型群展,今年是Soft Power群展的第5回,此次包括中国抽象画艺术家陈丽珠,艺术家张雪瑞、艺术家郑文昕和中国香港艺术家卓颖岚

天下莫柔弱于水,而攻坚强者莫之能胜,愈是柔软就愈具不可忽视的力量依然是这次Soft Power锵锵系列展想要继续表达的观点,同时,四位艺术家在创作中都有对个人身份和世界共存的探索和展望。



艺术家郑文昕通过幻化式的创作方式,把扑面而来的碎片信息序列化, 以强烈的色彩和果敢的笔触传达着一位女性艺术家独特的艺术态度,自信、坚定又含有温柔,对于自己内心真实感情的流露真诚而有特性。





Soft Power 2017


4 Female Artists Group Show

Chen Lizhu, Zhang Xuerui, Zheng WenxinCheuk Wing Nam


Opening Reception:  2017.7.30 (Sunday) 5 – 7 pm

Exhibition Duration: 2017.7.31–2017.9.23

Leo Gallery Shanghai | Ferguson Lane

376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai

In the world of art, the power of the female cannot be overlooked. Female artists, with their sex-specific perspective, sentiments and dexterity, create extraordinary artworks one after another, demonstrating to contemporaries their passion and love of life. They believe that art and creation embodies values of life.

Two Phoenixes on the wings, twittering in harmony. “Qiang Qiang” is the sound made by two Phoenixes. Since ancient times, phoenixes have always been associated with the female, imperial power andvitality, connoting the gentle strength of nobility, purity and beauty.

Soft Power is a group exhibition series organized by Leo Gallery featuring female since 2011. The fifth Soft Power exhibition comes with the theme "Qiang Qiang", show casing works of Chinese abstract painting artist Chen Lizhu, artists Zhang Xuerui and Zheng Wenxin, as well as Hong Kong artist Cheuk Wing Nam.

In Chen Lizhu’s Space Series, the artist creates a visible “spiritual space”. Using abstract expression and simple elements, Chen Lizhu constructs an intriguing visual landscape in the small painting, and at the same time guides the viewer to wander in it. Through this series, the artist opens up her work and attempts to provide viewers with the time of “reading” and “walking”, meanwhile creating a “space” for non-traditional viewing.

The work of Zhang Xuerui was inspired by the life experiences of artist's mother, sisters and herself after the divorce of her parents. The act of flower cutting implies a common hurt they suffered. Seaming these numerous flowers together cost them a great deal of time; it required great patience and ceaseless labor of the whole family.

Artist Zheng Wenxin would like to serialise the surging fragmented information in away resembling illusion. Like piercing through an artificial barrier, Zheng Wenxin has tried to interpret people’s most tender emotional world. Meanwhile, she hopes to free the self-bounding spirit and revives a flexible space which she enjoys in order to create works with a more open-minded attitude and multiple perspectives towards paintings.

Cheuk Wing Nam’s installation makes masterful use of sound and light to create an immersive environment that stirs feelings of anxiety and urgency. The sound sculpture is visually evocative of moths to a flame, desperately seeking what their deaths will be, or fireflies in a jar, struggling to get out. Standing amidst this alcove of white noise, one is as if another fragment enclosed by a veil of sound.

Artist Chen Lizhu, Zhang Xuerui, Zheng Wenxin and Cheuk Wing Nam are young ladies with free and independent spirits and a clear mind keen on critical thinking. They continue to explore the vitality in different artist media and in the areas they specialize in, expressing their understanding of this world using the artistic devices they have experience with. Although they come from different artistic arenas, they blossom with equal glamour in the pursuit of art.






狮語画廊 · 上海 Leo Gallery Shanghai


Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200031,China

Tues - Sun: 11 am - 7 pm (Public Holidays Closed)

shanghai@leogallery.com.cn  +86-21 5465 8785


獅語畫廊 · 香港 Leo Gallery Hong Kong

香港皇后大道西189號 西浦189藝術里

SOHO 189 Art Lane, 189 Queen's Road West, Hong Kong

Mon - Sat: 11 am - 7 pm (Public Holidays Closed)

hongkong@leogallery.com.cn  +852 2803 2333






