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荣荣与映里 在艺搜查询

Rong Rong & Inri
出生年份: 19681973
籍    贯: 福建-漳州


RONGRONG, born 1968 in Zhangzhou, China

INRI, born 1973 in Kanagawa pre. Japan

RONGRONG (b. 1968, Zhangzhou, China) and INRI (b. 1973, Kanagawa pre. Japan) met in 1999 when, by the time, they did not speak a common language and photography was their only means of communication. Falling in love at first sight ignited a long-lasting relationship between the two photographers who together create significant bodies of work speaking of love and passion, humanity and nature, as well as, mortality and eternity. The collaboration began in 2000 when the two staged a series of photos in the magnificent Great Wall in China, shown here at the RED exhibition. Counter to current-day trends, the couple does not alter their works with digital modification. Instead, the persistence to hand-paint on the original black and white photos gives rise to a very unique ambience and texture to the work that transforms the physical presence to immortality.

The naked bodies running, in the Mt. Fuji series, or making love in the ink-painting-like landscape are almost invisible, absorbed in the mist of dawn, inspire a sublime passion hidden in the tranquillity of nature. The triptych, together with their other works that follow, do not pose a criticism on the current state. Their purity and the untouched beauty bring us back to the simplicity of life and the fundamental of being. The scene is airy but at the same time overwhelmed with the love and connection bonding the creators that speak to the hearts of many.