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    1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 3.2
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  • 无图

  • 无图



展覽日期:2018年2月24日- 3月31日

展覽時間:星期一至六|上午11時 - 下午6時

開幕時間:2018年2月24日 (星期六)|下午4 - 7時 (*藝術家將親臨開幕酒會)

*藝術家講座:2018年2月24日|下午2 - 4時

免費報名及登記:fion@artexperiencegallery.com / +852 2110 9928



藝術創庫畫廊深感榮幸地向各位呈獻藝術聯展 RECOVER,將展出五位新晉藝術家的作品。每一位藝術家透過裝置藝術娓娓道出他 / 她的應用材料,並將執拾到的舊物和材料轉換成他們與各種環境的對話。是次展覽的參展藝術家就著不同的原因收集廢棄物件、生活廢物和垃圾,再為它們重塑新的形態和結構。這些物料不僅是日常生活中被拋棄的垃圾,同時也是一些附帶著集體記憶和意義的盛載體。這些再造物件被賦予了新生命,它們的重生同時向日用品的價值和本質提出種種的疑問。從香港藝術家王永棠的中國陶瓷雕像的靜物畫及雕像木櫃展示,到日本藝術家武田哲利用執拾到的海灘廢物製作而成的立體作品,藝術家透過是次展出的藝術裝置回應歷史、文化和生活環境,反映我們當下的政治和社會制度。




Exhibition Duration: 24 February – 31 March 2018

Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday | 11am – 6pm  

Opening Reception: 24 February 2018 (Sat.) | 4 – 7pm (*Artists Present)

*Artist Talk: 24 February 2018 | 2 – 4pm

Free admission, RSVP: fion@artexperiencegallery.com / +852 2110 9928

Artists: Kay Wong, Rainy Ip, Tetsu Takeda, Vera Chiu, Wong Wing Tong


Art Experience Gallery proudly presents group exhibition Recover, featuring artworks by five emerging artists. Throughout the works shown in Recover, each artist speaks the soul of his / her applied materials in an installation, and transforms their found objects and materials into a lively dialogue with their various environments. The selected artists in Recover collect discarded objects, domestic waste and rubbish for different reasons, and re-create them into new forms and compositions. These are not only materials that got thrown away in everyday life, but ones that carry collective attachments, memories and meanings. These re-done objects exist as a new life form and are intended to raise questions about the value and material nature of everyday objects. From still life painting of Chinese porcelain figurines and display of a statues cabinet by Hong Kong artist Wong Wing Tong, to the three-dimensional works comprised of garbage washed up on the beach by Japanese artist Tetsu Takeda found in the area near his house, their installation works shown in this exhibition speak to history, culture and living environments, reflects political and social systems.