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愿你被这世界温柔的对待·孟阳阳个展   展期:2014年7月12日至9月1日 地点:那特画廊 艺术家:孟阳阳、吴鼎 开幕酒会:7月12日(星期六),下午4点至6点 对话艺术家:7月13日(星期日),下午2点至4点   7月12日,孟阳阳个展“愿你被这世界温柔的对待 ”和吴鼎个展“实在的维度 I vs II”将在那特画廊同时开幕。孟阳阳展出的是其近期创作的绘画作品,试图用色彩的温度来引领观众的心理,而吴鼎则一直坚持用影像和摄影来表达自己对世界的观点。   艺术家孟阳阳个展的主题“愿你被这世界温柔的对待”来自于她的一幅同名参展作品。孟阳阳的作品通常是以一个疑问开始,“这个世界是怎样的?”接下来,“我和这世界什么关系?是什么塑造了当下的我?” 这些思考和质疑带来挑战和对抗。艺术家试图用不同的角度来看待自己所面对的世界,试图发现更多问题;她的作品试图流露出一种敏感的怪异,怪异中隐含则是对规则的抵制,与被他者同化的那个自我的对抗。虽无法全力反击似地摆脱世界所赋予我们的控制,可艺术家用艺术的手段去揭示出那样的价值体系与自己所要建构的标准的距离。在作品中,艺术家还试图用色彩的温度来引领观众的心理,象征人性简纯的颜色和画面流出的冷漠使之更显荒诞,因为这就是我们所处困扰的世界。     Wish The World Treat You Softly - Meng Yangyang   Duration: 12th July (Sat) - 1st September (Mon) Venue:L-Art Gallery Artist: Meng Yangyang, Wu Ding Opening: 4PM-6PM, 12th July (Sat), 2014 Art Salon: 2PM-4PM, 13th July (Sun), 2014   The solo exhibition of Meng Yangyang : “Wish the world treat you softly” and Wu Ding : “The reality of the dimension I vs II ” will be opened at L- Art Gallery on 12th July. Meng Yangyang shows the paintings, which she created recently and tries to lead the audience’s psychology by the temperature of color, and Wu Ding has always insist on express his views about the world by his photographic and video works.   The theme of artist Meng Yangyang comes from one of her paintings, which also on the exhibition “Wish the world treat you softly”. Her work usually starts with a question: “How does the world look like?” Next, “What is my relationship with this world and what has formed the current me?” These thoughts and questions bring challenges and confrontations. She tries to see the world I am facing from different angles in search of more questions. My work attempts to convey a sensitive weirdness, which implies the resistance to rules and the confrontation of oneself that has been assimilated by otherness. Although there is no way to get rid of the control of the world through our all-out attack, the Artist has to reveal the distance between that sort of value system and the standard that she wants to establish through the means of art. She also attempts to lead the audience’s mind by use of the temperature of colors. The colors which symbolize the simplicity and purity of man and the indifference conveyed by the picture make it even more absurd, and this is exactly the disturbing world we live in.