- 资质:AGA
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 8.8分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:13年
- 展厅面积:120平米
- 地 区:北京-朝阳
- 展览时间:2015-06-06 - 2015-07-09
- 展览城市:北京-朝阳
- 展览地点:酒仙桥路2号798创意广场妙有艺术
- 策 展 人:
- 参展人员:
我热爱绘画,同时也感到绘画的某些限制:静态的画面对故事性与时间性的体现比较弱。我画画然后制作GIF, 让静止的画面动起来从而具有更强的时间性,并且通过对动作的循环重复使作品更戏剧化,画作的故事性也跟着被放大。另外,现代人的生活其实是特别“碎片化”的,充斥着无数的信息和各种干扰。我认为GIF特别符合这种当代生活的气质。
我的作品表面上是以性为主题的。对我来说性只是一个角度,一个概念。性是非常简单的,因为它是人类最基本的需求之一,是繁衍后代的必要途径。性又是非常复杂的,人类的性较动物而言更多的受到性格情绪心态等多种因素影响而变得复杂多样。 中国传统文化中,“色”字指代性爱, “性”是指“本性、自然、性质”,到了现代西方文化进入后,才有它今天的意思。“性”包含了心理和生理两个方面,正好说明两者的联系必不可分。正是对人的心理和生理的联系很感兴趣,因此我喜欢从性出发去触碰人性。
The artist statement
I make the motion animated GIF based on my painting. I love painting but I want to express the time. This is the reason why I use the animated GIF. In my works, movements endlessly repeat. And to me, the motion painting exaggerates the subject of my work. I like the painting being narrative without telling any specific story.
Speaking of the subject of my works, sex plays a major role. I am interested in sex. For me, sex is not just intercourse but the relationship between body and heart. As a matter of fact, the Chinese character for sex is “性”. The character consists two parts that are physical and mental.
In addition to the sexuality, I like to use humor to give the common situation a twist. Just as an example, in many of my works, weak status people are behaving strong instead. In this manner, audience will see more possibility of the weak people. I want to display an alternative perspective of the world. And to do so, I depict those contradictions/imperfections exist in the reality.