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The 5th China-Japan-Korea Art Exhibition And the 3rd Artists Night in Guangzhou

2011-04-15 10:45:34          

The exhibition including works from three Asian countries will be displayed in Korea from October 2 to 8. As a prelude, a show in China will be arranged in Guangzhou Shamian's Art 64# Gallery from September 1 to 12. The exhibition organized by Japan's A-one (Asian Art Interchange Association), China's Art 64 Gallery and Korea's Metro Gallery is a kind of annual art interchange exhibition organized alternately by the three countries. The former 4 sessions have been held in Japan's Kyushu, Korea's Daegu, China's Guangdong Museum of Art and the Asian Museum of Art in Japan's Fukuoka. According to the introduction, 12 young Chinese artists participating in the exhibition have various life backgrounds. They are now all working and living in Guangzhou but share no similarities in their ways of painting and manufacturing.
