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Foreign Artists Internationalize Art Fair

2011-04-15 10:45:34          

The 13th session of the Guangzhou (International) Art Fair was launched on December 11th. This year an area was created especially to showcase overseas artists.



French artist Isabelle brings more of her work to China

One of the top ten contemporary artists in France, Isabelle DURET-DUJARRIC is a veteran participant in the Guangzhou Art Fair. [Interview with French Artist Isabelle]

This time Isabelle brought 60 pieces of her recent and past work to the fair, including watercolors, oil paintings and sculptures. Her exhibition area is near the entrance, decorated in bright red – Isabelle’s favorite color – and is the biggest one at the fair.



Isabelle’s exhibition area (Lifeofguangzhou.com)

Isabelle comes from Paris, which is well-known for the Seine River. Some of her paintings are themed with aquatic elements such as boats, beaches and the sea.

Isabelle’s paintings are vivid and colorful, conveying a sense of happiness toward life and nature. She introduced one of her favorite artworks – an oil painting called “Fleurs et Fruits (Flowers and Fruits)” which is the largest of her pieces and priced approximately at 1 million yuan.



Oil painting “Fleurs et Fruits” (Lifeofguangzhou.com)

Isabelle and her agent are very confident in China’s market. In January 2009, an art gallery for her works will be established inside the Guangzhou Yuexiu District Library.

Art from foreign artists considered unique

Each year, many foreign artists enter China’s art market directly through the fair. Without the help of art galleries operating as agents, their art would be priced much lower.

Even with the global financial crisis, artists still have positive attitudes toward the art market. Eric Fantou, planner for the international region of the fair, said, "This is not only for trading art work. It's also for the promotion, education and development of international contemporary art.”



One booth in the international area (Lifeofguangzhou.com)

At the fair we spoke with several regular contributors, such as Pete Marshall, an Australian doctor and professional wild animal painter, whose realistic animal images have been well received.

Domestic art galleries feature contemporary art

The annual art fair is also an opportunity for art galleries and art studios in China to show their work. Famous local art galleries such as Orange Gallery, Art 64# Gallery, AtomSpace Gallery and Huihao Gallery are displaying parts of their collections as mini exhibitions.

AtomSpace Gallery chose the theme of flowers by female artists, while Orange Gallery has on display several contemporary artworks themed with "Future is not a Dream” by five young artists. Art 64# Gallery introduced artworks from Korea as well as photographs of Tibetan girls’ faces.



Chen Yifei's oil painting "Qin Yun" (File photo)

Realistic oil paintings are one of the highlights of the fair. One oil painting “Qin Yun (Melody of musical instruments)” by Chen Yifei, the departed Overseas American Chinese, is on display. This piece will reportedly be auctioned at the Poly 2008 Winter Auction on December 19th. Its value is estimated at between 1.6 and 2.2 million yuan.
