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2011-04-15 10:18:04          

  (雅昌艺术网讯 本网记者)   展览名称:“迷恋”李广锌摄影作品展   开幕时间:2007年5月12日15:00   展览日期:2007年05月12日至06月01日   展览地址:北京朝阳区酒仙桥路4号798工厂内大山子艺术区百年印象摄影画廊   联系电话:010-64381784/64375284   邮  箱:798@798photogallery.cn   网  址:www.798photogallery.cn   自古都说“青春伤逝,美人迟暮”是人生最为悲哀的事。我认为前者还痛快些——生命结束在人生最美好的时刻,不像后者那么绵柔漫长、无可奈何,把我们折磨得不知不觉,甚至丧失尊严。死亡和老去是大多数人必须思考和承受的,这是永恒的命题,年龄越大越能感受到它的迫切和压力。当我们最后真正体验它的时候,才能无奈地明白青春在一生中究竟有多么的珍贵!正如李商隐所说“此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然”,处于青春年华中的人儿很难对此有所觉察。所以时间、精力和健康被尽情挥霍,如同一场幻梦,梦中充斥太多的无聊、虚荣、做作、任性,却又夹杂着梦想和希望。在梦中我们尽情欢笑,尽情苦恼,尽情表演,无穷妄想……,当这场青春梦逐渐幻灭的时候,才发现已经错过太多。到那时候,不管怎么努力也抓不住那已经从指缝中流失的青春年华,只能眼睁睁看着她远去,于是开始怨恨生命的这一个玩笑。想象得到这是何等的情何以堪,叫人不胜唏嘘。我们的青春年华象极了珍珠,温润圆滑,却终将消逝,仿佛注定了它们二者如何也逃不过迟暮的宿命!因此,年纪越大的人越怜爱珍珠,总是把它们很不和适宜地戴在已经被时间划得苍老不堪的皮肤上,小心呵护、不停摩挲,不知这是对珍珠的倾慕呢还是对自己那曾经拥有过的美好年华的追忆呢?这个时候,珍珠成了祭奠我们青春的挽歌!   The old saying has it that “The two grieves in one’s life can be dying in the prime time and losing one’s youth”. In my opinion, however, the former is fairly easier to accept—life just stops at the most enjoyable time, suddenly but with good memories. Contrarily, the latter is a prolonged torture, during which we sigh but can do nothing about it. Gradually we find we have lost the awareness, or even the dignity.   As an eternal topic, aging until death is something that most people have to think over and finally accept—the older one grows, the more clearly one would feel the haste and pressure of it. Only until we are undergoing aging and death can we fully understand the value of our lost youth. As is written by the Tang dynasty poet Li Shangyin (ca. 813- ca. 858), “Why need I look back upon all those things past? For at those moments I always was deeply lost.” Yes, young people can hardly be aware of the preciousness of youth. They indulge themselves in various forms of mild dissipation at the expense of time, energy, and health. It seems like a dream infested with trance, vanity, affectation, willfulness, blind ambitions and large intensions. In the dream we laugh, grieve, perform and daydream as much as we like. But when we wake up at the end, only to find we have missed so much. Whatever we do seems helpless to stop the time slipping through our fingers. At that moment we painfully realize that life has made a joke with us.   The prime time of our life is like the pearl, which is translucent and lustrous but will finally lose the sheen just as we are destined to become old and die.   Therefore, the older we are, the deeper we love the pearl. We tend to wear the gemstone on our old wrinkled skin, no matter how awkward it seems. I wonder whether it is our affection towards the pearl or we simply take it as a memorial to those good old days.   For the moment, the pearl is an elegy for our lost youth!
