


  • 编  号:490737
  • 作  者:梁伟豪 查看拍卖记录
  • 销售状态:待售(不可在线交易)  
  • 库  存: 1
  • 售  价:议价
买家服务热线: 400-601-8111

(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

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    1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7
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作品信息 作者信息 交易评价 本画廊其他作品
尺寸 91x61(cm) 创作年代 2012年
作品分类 油画 材质 布面 题材 人物
作品风格 其它
适用空间 客厅 餐厅 书房 儿童房 卧室 办公室 酒店 广场 酒吧 购物中心




出生年份: 1989
籍    贯: 国外-美国


The theme that has captured my attention as an artist is the feeling of disconnect in individuals, within and without. My interest in this theme stems from an observation of modern society and how unhappy and uncomfortable people seem to be living in it. We live in a society assaulted by advertising, a society in constant want. We are a generation of people with unrealistic expectations in relationships. We are a prescription-addled populace that would rather drown out its issues then try to resolve them. We are a people that no longer feel.


I attempt to portray this disconnect in my works by painting moments. I’m particularly interested in capturing those moments that go unacknowledged; those moments of silence sandwiched between conversations or moments of contemplation. Edward Hopper reacted to the disillusionment of the post-war Twenties by painting scenes of everyday life. My works attempt to capture a similar aesthetic by focusing on the quotidian. Like Cindy Sherman’s self-portraits, the paintings reference film stills. There is a conscious effort to portray these figures in a cinematic manner. It is important that the viewer gets a feeling of unease within the work, like they are intruding. The series began as a group of works that used replicated and altered found stills from movies that influenced me, particularly those of Chinese auteur Wong Kar-Wai. Feeling a sense of impersonality in these pieces, I began making paintings based on collaged found imagery and my own photography. This was spurned by a desire to put more of myself in the works. My current series of works are an extension of that feeling.


Born into an artistic family as the third-generation, he pursued the same passion as his grandfather H. Leung, his father Thomas Leung, and his uncle Richard Leung. Darryl Leung is a New York-based visual artist. He graduated from San Diego State University with a BA in Applied Arts with an emphasis in Painting.
