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在“异度想象”展览上展出了艺术家精心创作的系列数字画,作品涉及传统的话题 :裸体,肖像,静物和风景,还有近几个世纪欧洲艺术创造的传统画作。在数字化的拼图里结合着照片,画作,3D视觉,有浓厚照像效果的向量和区位图。这些作品的美感,在某种意义上是一种尝试,把20世纪20年代处于领先地位的拼图传统以及随之对技术的惊叹移植到肥沃的数字化技术的土壤里。这种现代思维的延续产生过现代派绘画呈现出的视觉,既有局限性却也不失其个性。在这些作品里出现了许多超现实主义的美丽的波兰姑娘形象,波兰风景,人物,日用品,习惯认同的“波兰”味道以及真正是“此时此地”的波兰稀有之物。除了这些特别的波兰“展示”之外,展览会上还有些别的东西。那些荒诞不经的作品可看作是对不可知的和强势世界的一种隐喻,宇宙本是由亿万个罕见的特别的东西和事件构成的。

The ‘Wayward Layer’ exhibition presents a series of digital images designed especially for the purpose. The works make reference to traditional painting subjects – nudes, portraits, still lifes and landscapes – and to the conventions European art has developed over the last few centuries. The digitally composed collages combine photographs, drawings, 3-D objects, and vector and bitmap images served in thick Photoshop effects sauce. The aesthetic quality of these works is a specific attempt at grafting the traditions of the avant-garde collage of the 1920s, with all the due awe for technology that accompanied it, to the fertile ground of digital techniques. This is a peculiar contemporary continuation of the way of thinking that gave birth to modernism in painting: a visual quality aware of its own medium and making use of its limitations and specificity. The works feature surrealist juxtapositions of images of beautiful Polish girls, landscapes, people, and objects of everyday use: stereotypic “Polish” flavours and true rarities that belong to the Polish “here and now”. The exhibition offers another dimension besides this distinctive “presentation” of Poland. The observed juxtapositions may be considered a metaphor of the unpredictable and arbitrary world. A universe composed of billions of unique and specific things and events.
'Wayward Layer' project is a part the 2nd Polish Culture Festival in Beijing. The artistic duo have designed and produced the exhibition in both Poland and China setting foundation for visual aspect of the festival.