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  • 印象:
    红瓦白墙 典雅 别样感觉 邻家小舍
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  • 无图

  • 无图



展览: 岁月流金
艺术家: 尚莱姆•恩特卡比
策展人: 劳尔•扎穆迪奥
时间: 2011.09.01-2011.10. 16
开幕酒会: 2011.09.01, 3:00-6:00pm
地点: 其他画廊 北京空间

EXHIBITION: Nothing Gold Can Stay
ARTIST: Shahram Entekhabi
CURATOR: Raul Zamudio
DURATION: Sep 1st- Oct 16th, 2011
VERNISSAGE: 3pm-6pm, Sep 1st, 2011
VENUE: Other Gallery l Beijing Space
3th Street North 706, 798 ART, Chaoyang District
本次展览“岁月流金”展出了来自德国的伊朗裔艺术家尚莱姆•恩特卡比(Shahram Entekhabi)的作品。展览的标题来自诗人罗伯特•弗罗斯特(Robert Frost)一首著名的诗歌。这首诗歌只有短短八行,最后一句即“岁月流金”。弗罗斯特的诗歌探讨了人生的基本问题,同时也充满想象力,以黄金为喻,通过描述一棵树从枝繁叶茂到最终死亡并腐败的过程,伤感伊甸园的逝去。在这首诗中,诗人通过对美描写,来揭示其短暂性和流逝性,其潜在的含义是人们在有生之年都应该致力于崇高的追求。尚莱姆•恩特卡比在弗罗斯特诗歌的主题之上,探讨当代语境中的人生价值和其他问题。弗罗斯特以大自然为喻,质疑社会中的物质追求,恩特卡比则反思石油作为一种全球性的商品的重要地位,进而涉及东西方文化的彼此误解,以及艺术家自己旅居柏林所体验到的背井离乡的情绪。本次展览将展出艺术家的绘画、纸上作品、影像和雕塑。


Nothing Gold Can Stay is a solo exhibition by Iranian-born, Berlin-based artist Shahram Entekhabi. The exhibition’s title is from one of the most celebrated poems by Robert Frost. Consisting of only eight lines with that last being “nothing gold can stay,” Frost’s opus is not only stripped down to the most essential but uses gold as metaphor to lament the fall from Eden via a tree’s fecund beauty and eventual decay. But beauty is used by Frost to underscore its temporality and fleeting characteristic, and thus the poem’s subtext is that we should concerns ourselves with loftier endeavors during our brief, human existence. Shahram Entekhabi thematically uses Frost’s poem to investigate value as well as other themes but within a contemporary context. Whereas Frost alluded to nature to question society’s material pursuits, Entekhabi challenges the premium placed on oil as global commodity, shines light on cultural misunderstandings between East and West, as well as commenting on the condition of exile that the artist finds himself living as a foreigner in Berlin. The exhibition consists of painting, work-on-paper, video, and sculpture.

—— Raul Zamudio