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陈丹青 在艺搜查询

出生年份: 1953
籍    贯:


陈丹青,1953年生於上海,1970年-1978年 辗转赣南、苏北农村插队落户,其间自习绘画。1978年考入中央美术学院油画系研究生班,毕业后留校任教。1982年移居纽约,2000年回国后,任清华大学美术学院教授、博士生导师,同时主持“陈丹青工作室”的工作。
出版有:《陈丹青速写集》(天津美术出版社1992年);《陈丹青画集》(香港中文大学1995年);《陈丹青 画册/静物》(香港科技大学艺术中心1998年);《纽约琐记》上下集(吉林人民美术出版社,2000年);《陈丹青音乐笔记》(上海音乐出版社,2002年);《多馀的素材》(山东画报出版社,2003年);《陈丹青1968-1999素描油画集》(河北教育出版社,2003年);《退步集》(广西师范大学出版社,2005年)。论文:《美术》、《美术研究》、《美术丛刊》、《江苏画刊》、《美术家》(香港)、《雄狮美术》(台湾)、《艺术家》(台湾)、《陈丹青谈艺录 》。


Born in Shanghai, China. Graduated in 1980 from Oil Painting Department, Central Academy of Fine Arts, with Master Degree, Beijing, China. in1982 Moved to America, Professional Artist. Current: Professor and Mentor of Doctor, Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China; Owner of Chen Danqing Atelier. Solo Exhibitions: in 1995 Chen Danqing, National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Taiwan, China. In 1998 Chen Danqing, Art Center of the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong, China. In 2000 Chen Danqing 1968-1999, Beijing, Wuhan, Shenyang, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Shanghai. Group Exhibitions: in 1977 National Art Exhibition, China National Museum of Fine Arts,Beijing, China. In 1980 Postgraduate Works from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Exhibition Hall of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China. In 1982 The People’s Republic of China Art Exhibition, Spring Salon, Paris. In 1998 Chinese Civilization and Art Over the Past Five Thousand Years, Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA. In 2001 Review Exhibition of Neoclassicism in the 20th Century, Belgium. In 2002 A Dialogue of Contemporary Art Between China and Germany, Germany Initial Image·Contemporary work on paper, Yibo Gallery, Shanghai. In 2003 Art and War, Graz Art Museum, Graz, Austria. In 2004 Feel Memory, Yibo Gallery, Shanghai, China