
Island6 六岛艺术中心
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    激光 雕塑 水墨 绘画 摄影
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“食品如艺术”Food As Art As Food

  • 无图

  • 无图







Have you heard of stinky tofu? It’s a famous Chinese dish consisting of fermented tofu known for its distinct aroma. It can be eaten cold, steamed, stewed, or deep-fried accompanied by chili or soy sauce. From a distance the smell is said to resemble rotten garbage or smelly feet however the more it smells the better its flavor...Would you like a taste?

There is a special relationship, a sort of unspoken bond between people and food. Some even say it has the power to nourish not just the body, but the soul as well. Since the dawn of time, food has been the subject of art, a natural source of inspiration. I’m sure we’re all familiar with the phrase, “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.” Does food really have the power to define us? island6's winter exhibition “Food as Art as Food” (食品如艺术) aims at answering this question (and many more) by exploring the unique and powerful relationship between food and people, and the opulent comfort that comes from finding the perfect dish. The island6 art collective explores the multiple ways food embeds into our daily lives and its role in the bigger scheme of things. We are so excited to share this tasty exhibition with all of you and we’re sure you will leave feeling inspired and a bit hungry as well! Just a reminder the art is not edible, enjoy!