胡永凯 艺术家官网
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作品被中国美术馆、香港艺术馆、香港文化博物馆、上海美术馆、北京画院、丹麦皇家画廊、花旗银行、汇丰银行等机构及国内外私人收藏。出版有 “胡永凯画集”、 “胡永凯彩绘金瓶梅百图”、“胡永凯现代彩墨画艺术”、“ 美人依旧—胡永凯的彩墨世界”等多种画集.
1945 Born in Beijing, China
1960 Studied in Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing
1988 Moved to Hong Kong
1990 Tokyo International Art Fair, Japan
1991 Solo exhibition, Taipei Crown Art Centre, Taiwan
1992 Moved to the United State
1993 Miami International Art Fair, Miami, USA
1994 The New Art Trends,94, Hong Kong
1994 Singapore International Arts Festival, Singapore
1995 The New Art Trends,95, Hong Kong
1996 NewYork Art Expo,96, USA Solo exhibition “Palace and Paradise”, Singapore and Hong Kong
1997 New York International Asian Art Fair, USA Solo exhibition, “Quiet Days”, Hong Kong
1998 Solo exhibition, “Gardens, Shadows, Memories”, Hong Kong and Singapore 1999 “The 8th Chinese National Art Exhibition”, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, award a certificate of excellent
2001 “Masterworks of Chinese Paintings: The Last 100 Years” exhibition, National Art Muse- um of China, Beijing
2002 “The 3rd International Ink-Painting Biennale of Shenzhen - Metropolis Ink-Painting Exhibition”, Guan Shanyue Museum, Shenzhen
2003 “The 1st Beijing International Art Biennale Exhibition”, National Art Museum of China, Beijing
2005 “The 2nd Beijing International Art Biennale Exhibition”, National Art Museum of China, Beijing Currently, Hu is member of the Chinese Artists Association, the standing honorary member of the Hong Kong Association of Asian Artists and the chairman of the New Fine Art Association of Hong Kong.
作品被中国美术馆、香港艺术馆、香港文化博物馆、上海美术馆、北京画院、丹麦皇家画廊、花旗银行、汇丰银行等机构及国内外私人收藏。出版有 “胡永凯画集”、 “胡永凯彩绘金瓶梅百图”、“胡永凯现代彩墨画艺术”、“ 美人依旧—胡永凯的彩墨世界”等多种画集.
1945 Born in Beijing, China
1960 Studied in Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing
1988 Moved to Hong Kong
1990 Tokyo International Art Fair, Japan
1991 Solo exhibition, Taipei Crown Art Centre, Taiwan
1992 Moved to the United State
1993 Miami International Art Fair, Miami, USA
1994 The New Art Trends,94, Hong Kong
1994 Singapore International Arts Festival, Singapore
1995 The New Art Trends,95, Hong Kong
1996 NewYork Art Expo,96, USA Solo exhibition “Palace and Paradise”, Singapore and Hong Kong
1997 New York International Asian Art Fair, USA Solo exhibition, “Quiet Days”, Hong Kong
1998 Solo exhibition, “Gardens, Shadows, Memories”, Hong Kong and Singapore 1999 “The 8th Chinese National Art Exhibition”, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, award a certificate of excellent
2001 “Masterworks of Chinese Paintings: The Last 100 Years” exhibition, National Art Muse- um of China, Beijing
2002 “The 3rd International Ink-Painting Biennale of Shenzhen - Metropolis Ink-Painting Exhibition”, Guan Shanyue Museum, Shenzhen
2003 “The 1st Beijing International Art Biennale Exhibition”, National Art Museum of China, Beijing
2005 “The 2nd Beijing International Art Biennale Exhibition”, National Art Museum of China, Beijing Currently, Hu is member of the Chinese Artists Association, the standing honorary member of the Hong Kong Association of Asian Artists and the chairman of the New Fine Art Association of Hong Kong.