石建国 艺术家官网
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2004年“融合•互渗 — 当代中国画年度展”,中国美术馆。
1964Born in Tangshan City of Hebei Province, China
1991 Graduated from the Chinese painting department of Central Academy of Fine Arts
2004 “New Freehand Paintings of Six Artists” exhibition, Singapore
2004<3 in a Family> entered “The 1st Exhibition by Artists of China,s Art Publishing Circles”, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, later kept in permanent collection by the same museum
2004 “Integration • Permeation -2004 Annual Exhibition”, National Art Museum of China, Beijing
2005 “China,s Version” exhibition by invited artists, Beijing Currently, Shi is the chief editor of“Art Guide”magazine, belonging to the China Fine Arts Pu- blishing Group.
2004年“融合•互渗 — 当代中国画年度展”,中国美术馆。
1964Born in Tangshan City of Hebei Province, China
1991 Graduated from the Chinese painting department of Central Academy of Fine Arts
2004 “New Freehand Paintings of Six Artists” exhibition, Singapore
2004<3 in a Family> entered “The 1st Exhibition by Artists of China,s Art Publishing Circles”, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, later kept in permanent collection by the same museum
2004 “Integration • Permeation -2004 Annual Exhibition”, National Art Museum of China, Beijing
2005 “China,s Version” exhibition by invited artists, Beijing Currently, Shi is the chief editor of“Art Guide”magazine, belonging to the China Fine Arts Pu- blishing Group.