朱新建 艺术家官网
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朱新建,1953年生,江苏南京人。1980年毕业于南京艺术学院美术系,留校任教、为中国美术家协会会员。曾获第六届全国美术作品展银质奖;作品《除三害》获全国少儿图画优秀奖。为上海美术电影厂、中央电视台设计动画片《老鼠嫁女》、《金元国历险记》、《皮皮鲁与鲁西西》的人物造型,动画片《选美记》的造型设计获上海美术电影厂优秀奖及金鸡奖提名。曾赴比利时、法国举办个人作品展。作品曾被 中国美术馆、法国国家图画馆、比利时皇家历史博物馆、巴黎美术学院等机构收藏。出版有《朱新建画集》三种。
1953 Born in Nanjing, China
1980 Graduated from Nanjing Arts Institute, and later offered a post to teach in the same in-stitution
1984 “The 6th Chinese National Art Exhibition”, Silver award
1990 Solo exhibition, Paris
1990 Group exhibition for invited artists, French Academy of Fine Arts, Paris 1993 Solo exhibition, Brussels Royal Museum of Belgium
1997 “In Celebration of Hong Kong,s Return Art Exhibition”, by Ministry of Culture
1998 Solo exhibition, Tokyo, Japan
1998 “The Inspiration of China,s Modern Art - The Last 20 Years”, Beijing 1998 Group exhibition, the Chinese embassy in Germany
2000 “New China Art Exhibition”, Liu Haisu Art Museum, Shanghai and Nanjing Art Museum
2001 “The 1st Chengdu Art Biennial Exhibition”, Modern Art Museum, Chengdu 2002 Solo exhibition, Guangdong Museum of Art
2003 “New Freehand Chinese Ink Paintings Exhibition by Invited Artists 2003”, Yanhuang Art Museum, Beijing
2004 “New Freehand Chinese Ink Painting Exhibition by Invited Artists 2004”, National Art Museum of China, Beijing Currently, Zhu is a member of the China Artists Association and a first grade artist of Nanjing Painting and Calligraphy College.
1953 Born in Nanjing, China
1980 Graduated from Nanjing Arts Institute, and later offered a post to teach in the same in-stitution
1984 “The 6th Chinese National Art Exhibition”, Silver award
1990 Solo exhibition, Paris
1990 Group exhibition for invited artists, French Academy of Fine Arts, Paris 1993 Solo exhibition, Brussels Royal Museum of Belgium
1997 “In Celebration of Hong Kong,s Return Art Exhibition”, by Ministry of Culture
1998 Solo exhibition, Tokyo, Japan
1998 “The Inspiration of China,s Modern Art - The Last 20 Years”, Beijing 1998 Group exhibition, the Chinese embassy in Germany
2000 “New China Art Exhibition”, Liu Haisu Art Museum, Shanghai and Nanjing Art Museum
2001 “The 1st Chengdu Art Biennial Exhibition”, Modern Art Museum, Chengdu 2002 Solo exhibition, Guangdong Museum of Art
2003 “New Freehand Chinese Ink Paintings Exhibition by Invited Artists 2003”, Yanhuang Art Museum, Beijing
2004 “New Freehand Chinese Ink Painting Exhibition by Invited Artists 2004”, National Art Museum of China, Beijing Currently, Zhu is a member of the China Artists Association and a first grade artist of Nanjing Painting and Calligraphy College.