
  • 资质:
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    1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 8.4
  • 印象:
    美术馆级别 展厅一流 展览的确好 作品不错 艺术家很牛
  • 经营时间:
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宋建树 在艺搜查询

出生年份: 1982
籍    贯:



1982 生于湖北宜昌

2005    毕业于湖北美术学院雕塑系,获学士学位

2010    毕业于中央美术学院雕塑系,获硕士学位




2015     七卦阵,拾萬空间,北京,中国

2014     弦,CIGE2014,国家会议中心,北京,中国

2011     剔,莼萃当代艺术中心,北京,中国



2017    2017科兹洛雕塑大展,西澳美术馆,澳大利亚

2016    凝视与出离,其门艺术第四回,北京,中国


        三室两厅 两女四男,龙口空间,北京,中国





2015    青年艺术100北京启动展暨五周年庆,全国农业展览馆,北京,中国

        回声计划——空纳万境,今日美术馆, 北京,中国


2014    世界砼,拾萬空间,北京,中国



2013    学院的视界-湖北省首届青年雕塑展,湖北省图书馆 ,武汉,中国






2012    林泉高致当代艺术展”首届中国林州国际友好和平艺术节,林州,中国


2011     如是-中国当代雕塑即景 ,宋庄美术馆,北京,中国


        Beyond The Frame,白兔美术馆,悉尼,澳大利亚


        启-中国雕塑学会青年推介计划巡回展,南通、上海、福州、广州、武汉、成都、       北京,中国


2010    向前一小步-当代青年实验艺术邀请展,金属空间,北京,中国


2009    回顾与展望-湖北雕塑艺术展,湖北省艺术馆,武汉,中国

2008    中国姿态-首届中国雕塑大展巡回展,长春、西安、温州、上海、广州、北京,中国

2007    鄂势力-湖北青年雕塑家群展,武汉,中国



2005    雕塑百年,上海城市雕塑艺术中心,上海,中国













Song Jianshu

1982 Born inYichang of Hubei Province

2005    Graduated from the Sculpture Department of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, BA

2010    Graduated from the Sculpture Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts, MA

Currently works and lives in Beijing


Solo Exhibition

2015Seven-Diagram Tactics, Hunsand Space, Beijing, China

2014String, National Convention Center, Beijing, China

2011     Sharpen Up, Chunchi Contemporary Art Space, Beijing, China


Group Exhibition

2017    Sculpture Inside, Cottesloe 2017,Art Gallery of Western Australia, Australia

2016    TO GAZE & TO DETACH, 4th THE DOOR ART,Beijing, China

I CAN’T DO MORE THAN I DO, Gginkgo space, Beijing, China

1Apartment for 2 Women 4 Men,Space Local,Beijing, China

The 20th Sculpture by the Sea-Bondi Beach,Sydney,Australia

POLYPHONY-China Contemporary Sculpture Pioneer Works Exhibition,Jingdezhen, China

□ , A+Contemporary, Taipei, China

DRIFTING AWAY-International Exhibition of works of Contemporary Young Sculpture,Shanxi Museum, Xi’an, China

2015Opening Exhibition and 5th Anniversary Celebration, National Agriculture Exhibition Center, Beijing, China

Echo Project, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China

Contemporary Sculpture Award 2015, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing, China

2014    Omnipresent Concrete, Hunsand Space, Beijing, China

Finding Friends-Discover Young Sculpture Artists, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China

Re-Modernization-The 3rd Wuhan Documentary of Fine Arts, Hubei, China

2013The View of Academy-The 1st Youth Sculpture Exhibition in Hubei, Hubei Provincial Library, Wuhan, China

Extension-The 2nd Datong International Sculpture Biennale, Datong, China

Self-Discipline and Speculation-The 3rd Beijing Film Academy International New Media Arts Triennial, Beijing, China

The Portrait of Space, Parkview Green Art Festival, PVGA, Beijing, China

Materialism, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China

Surge Art, Sanlitun Village, Beijing, China

2012Elegant Mountain and Water-Contemporary Art Exhibition, Linzhou, China

Sculpture of China-CAFA Sculpture Retrospective, China Institute of Sculpture, Beijing, China

2011 Like What-Chinese Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition, Songzhuang Art Center, Beijing, China

Endless Variations - SuiJianguo and His Students, Red Star Gallery, Beijing, China

Link: Traditional and Future-The 2rd Chongqing Biennale of Young Artist, Museum of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, Chongqing, China

Starting-Traveling Exhibition of Promotion Plan for Youth by Chinese Sculpture Society, Beijing / Shanghai / Guangzhou / Chongqing / Nantong / Fuzhou, China

Decade of the Rapid-White Rabbit Chinese Contemporary Art Collection Exhibition, White Rabbit Collection, Sydney, Australia

2010Little Step Forward-Contemporary Experimental Guest-Exhibition of Young Artist, 798 New Media Art Festival, Beijing, China

Journey of A Thousand Miles-CAFA Excellent Graduation Work Exhibition, CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, China

2009Retrospect and Prospect-Hubei Sculpture Art Exhibition, Hubei Museum of Art, Wuhan, China

2008Chinese Posture-The 1st Sculpture Exhibition of China, Xiamen / Changchun / Xi'an / Wenzhou / Shanghai / Guangzhou / Beijing, China

2007    Hubei Influence- Hubei Young Sculptor Group Exhibition, Wuhan, China

BS1 Contemporary Art Museum Art Nomination Exhibition, Shanghai Zhu Qizhan Art Museum, Shanghai, China

345°Shanghai Fresh Art Exhibition, Duolun Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai, China

2006    9×9-Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition, 798, Beijing, China

2005Sculpture A Century-The Opening Exhibition of Shanghai Sculpture Space, Shanghai Sculpture Space, Shanghai, China