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Norman A. Spencer, Ph.D. Professor of English, State University of New York at Nassau
Thinking about the Erotic Energy in Life, Art and Culture while Looking at Photographs of Zhang Siyong’s Paintings
Recently I was drinking beer with Chinese friends in Dali who have spent time in Europe, the U.S. and Latin America. We agreed that cities like Paris, New York City and Rio de Janeiro are certainly interesting places to visit and for some to live, but China is far more exciting because of the energy that comes from the dramatic cultural changes despite the legacy of social, political and economic problems. I have watched this drive for transformation take place before my very eyes! I have been coming to China since the early 1980’s, returned in the late 1990’s, taught at China Communications University for a year in 2001-2002 and have returned every year since. Fist I experienced Chinese culture in bars , private studios and in 798 Art Factory while I was teaching in Beijing. Later I attended Chinese film festivals , art shows and avant-garde dance performances in New York City where I live and teach, and now that I have a house in Dali, I am surrounded by Chinese involved in the arts during my summer vacations and the sabbatical leaves of absence from my college in the U.S.
这是一种独特、会时时给我灵感和鼓舞的生活。我在中国和美国都曾发表关于中国当代艺术的文章,并且出版了一本摄影集,来记录我所接触过的中国作家、艺术家和电影人。我发现,这些中国艺术家都充满了对生命的爱恋,有着极富激情的活,和情趣盎然的伴侣,一旦和这些中国艺术家成为朋友,他们就会成为我的偶像,并极大地影响着我的个人生活。在不知不觉中,我开始像他们或他们作品中的人物那样生活。在中国生活的一段时间内,我对于像在WU WENGUANG 和MOU SEN早起纪录片里的那些被(他人)疏远的女性,似乎很有新引力。曾有一位整日阅读中国古典小说的女孩,她每天夜里会从二楼的寝室窗子里爬出来,到我这里、睡在我的身边,只有这样她才感到安全。
I have been inspired by what I have just described. It’s unique and special. I have published articles in China and the U.S. on Chinese contemporary culture plus a book of photographs that document the time I have spent with Chinese writers, artists and film people. Also, it has had an enormous impact on my personal life. Once I became friends with Chinese involved in the arts they became my role models! They all had fascinating love lives, interesting girl friends and boy friends and without knowing it I began to act out their lives or the lives in their novels and films. There was a period while I was living in China when I became a magnet for young alienated women like those in Wu Wenguang’s and Mou Sen’s early documentaries. For example, once a student who spent all of her time reading traditional Chinese novels climbed out of the window of the second floor of her dormitory every night to sleep next to me so she could feel safe.
Another time I was in China, a young teacher and I use to travel together to villages in the mountains a few hours outside of Beijing where we stayed in peasant houses. Before we fell asleep, she would tell me her sad love stories while holding hands. My wildest experience was when a Chinese girlfriend decided it would be “cool” to make love to me late in the evening on the top bunk of a “hard sleep” car of a train while groups of men were smoking in the aisle. I was terrified of what would happen to me as a foreigner if I were caught having sex in public!
我不得不向我的中国哥们寻求心理援助。当我第一次和我的中国女友分开时,吴文光请我吃饭,并操着美国电影里的英语对我说,操,哥们,你应该为有这么段经历感到幸运。毕竟你们认识的时候你都59啦她才19。刘索拉更富同情心。当我向她诉说我和她的朋友宁婴时,她说,我并不感到难过,毕竟,当你和这些疯狂的中国诗人和艺术家交往时,你能期待什么?一年后,我想Mian Mian和Yan Li求助,我告诉他们我在和一位29岁的上海女士网恋,Mian Mian回信说,先别胡来,我就是上海女人,你先把她带来让我看看,10分钟之内我就能告诉你她是否合适。Yan Li接着说,先别坐爱情过山车,让我先替你和她以及她的父母见见。所幸,我有个性福的结局。我和xiaojian已经结婚12年了。
Eventually, I had to turn to my Chinese friends for advice and moral support. When one of my Chinese girlfriends broke up with me, Wu Wenguang took me out to dinner and said in his American movie style English; “Fuck, man! What are you crying about? You are lucky to have had that experience in the first place. You were 59 and she was only 19 when you met. ” Liu Sola was more sympathetic, but when I told her friend Ning Ying she said: “ I don’t feel sorry for you. What do you expect when you hang out with a bunch of crazy Chinese artists and poets!” One year later, I had to turn to Mian Mian and Yan Li for advice. I told them I was falling in love with a young 29 year old Chinese woman in Shanghai on the internet. Mian Mian wrote back, “You have to be fucking kidding me! I’m Shanghai girl. Bring her to me , and I will tell you in ten minuets if she is right for you.” And Yan Li added; “It’s time to get off the fast roller coaster. I’m going to meet that girl and her parents before you do!” There is happy ending. Xiaojian and I been happily married for twelve years.
上面这些和张思永的画作有何关联?其实一切都有关联。每一年,我的朋友YAN LI和其他的一些诗人,都会参与张思永在他位于798艺术区的画廊组织的国际诗会,我就是在这样的场合认识了张思永和他的画。那次我们刚刚到,张思永就带我去看他的新画。我跳了几幅我最喜欢的并把它们放在画廊的墙边,没过几分钟,一位伊朗诗人就开始一边敲打着传统的伊朗鼓,一边用他富有节奏但催眠的声音,开始吟唱他的诗作。真是绝配!诗、音乐和保函韵律的、中国元素抽象画作!一切都相互关联,这其中也包括嘉宾中那些美丽的女性,她们优美的身体在诗人的吟唱和鼓点中曼妙起舞。我想,如果那时张思永能够展开画布、拿起画笔,在此情此景中开始即兴作画,画成的东西一定和我挑选出来的、当时就靠在墙边的画,别无二致。因为他的画本身就充斥着颜色、美、和生命的激情。在我眼中,他的画抓到了自1979年以来,中国当代文化所喷发处的创意的精神。
What does any of this and have to do which Zhang Siyong and his art? Everything, my friend! I met Zhang Siyong and saw some of paintings this summer at his studio in 798 when I was with my friend Yan Li and some of the poets who had participated in the international poetry event he organizes every year. Soon after we arrived Zhang Siyong took me to his office and showed me his new paintings. I picked out the ones I liked the best and put them up against the walls of his studio and a few minuets later an Iranian poet began chanting his rhythmic and hypnotic poetry while playing a traditional Iranian drum. Perfect match - poetry, music and lyrical free style abstract painting with Chinese characteristics! Everything connected including the beauty of the lovely looking women in the audience whose bodies began to move spontaneously to the sound of the poet’s voice and the rhythm of his drum. I’m convinced that if Zhang Siyong had pulled out
his art materials and had begun painting while all of this was going on his work would resemble the paintings I had picked out and were lying against the wall, because Zhang Siyong’s paintings are infused with the color, beauty and erotic flow of the life force. And they capture, at least in my imagination, the creative spirit that has emerged in the much of Chinese contemporary culture since 1979.
Now to return again to the central theme of this brief commentary – the intersection of the erotic energy in life with the erotic energy in art and culture. Two months ago my wife and I went with Chinese friends to an artist compound several hours away from Dali to attend a party that lasted for three days. Chinese writers, artists, professional singers and dancers from several cities attended this event. It was full of joy, celebration and spontaneous freedom. Let me illustrate this with one simple incident. Late one evening my wife and I were sitting at a table with two impressive Chinese women, one was an artist, the other a writer I believe. At one point, I told them they were very beautiful, and afterwards they spontaneously kissed me on the lips! My wife did not mind because everyone was in a playful mood and being kissed by two beautiful women obviously made me feel young again. My argument is where else could this happen except in China and how can you have a vital and creative culture if you don’t have ritual experiences like this? Zhang Siyong has personal ties to some of the people who attended this event, and his art reflects their spirit.
诺 曼⋅斯班赛博士出生于1942。他在华盛顿长大。当他爸爸任美国驻巴西外交官期间他在巴西的里约热内卢度过了他的青年时代。在1960年代早期美国南部, 他曾是人权运动政治活跃者。他因为和当地警察对抗被开除学籍大学赶出学校。1963-1964,他背井离乡在欧洲生活。1968年,在他参加过越南战争期 间支持北越并成为美国毛派共产党反战运动的成员。他的博士导师是阿米里⋅巴卡拉/原名勒鲁伊⋅琼斯 (1934-2014),阿米里是激进的美国黑人作家, 知识分子和政治活动家和诗人艾伦⋅金斯堡的好朋友。
上一篇:心情笔记 ——品读张思永作品