- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 3.2分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:15年
- 展厅面积:
- 地 区:香港-香港地区
- 展览时间:2017-07-01 - 2017-07-29
- 展览城市:香港-香港地区
- 展览地点:香港新界荃灣海盛路九號有線電視大樓 20樓2009室
- 策 展 人:Fion Ko
- 参展人员:
展覽時間:星期一至六 |上午11時-下午6時
開幕時間:2017年7月1日 (星期六)|下午5-8時
藝術家:陳餘生丶陳佩玲丶張德成丶周淑芬丶馮捲雪丶何紀嵐丶郭孟浩(蛙王)丶李展輝丶李其國丶呂豐雅丶柯韶衛丶彭武斌丶 彭金有丶曾繁光丶王永棠丶游榮光丶馬星原
本次展覽名為《 春夏頓漸 》,清晰地表達出協會對年輕一代藝術家傳承的期盼。藝術創庫畫廊抱持著相同的願景與理念,致力於培育年輕藝術家和參與灌溉本土藝術界的土壤,因此感到特別榮幸能夠與香港視覺藝術協會促成本次展覽合作。透過本次展出作品,十七位本土藝術家各自演繹自身的文化和身份,擁抱對生命和創作的熱情,將靈感和想像轉化成一套獨特的視覺語言。香港視覺藝術協會年展是每年香港藝術界的一大盛事,為會員提供一個良好的機會,向公眾傳達他們的創意成果和想法。
關於香港視覺藝術協會 (VAS)
香港視覺藝術協會 (VAS) 成立於一九七三年,是香港最早創辦及最活躍的藝術團體之一。協會由一群志同道合的藝術家成立,旨在促進香港視覺藝術的發展和提升,成員包括多位香港藝壇的重要人物。歷任協會主席包括陳餘生丶畢子融丶朱興華丶呂振光丶莫一新丶李展輝等,而VAS現任主席及副主席分別由呂豐雅及郭孟浩(蛙王)擔任。香港視覺藝術協會為發展及推廣本地視覺藝術不遺餘力,在過往四十多年來在香港舉辦過眾多的視覺藝術展覽和藝壇活動。
*費用全免,預先登記及查詢:fion@artexperiencegallery.com / +852 2110 9928
研討會 I | 2017年7月15日 (星期六)
研討會 II | 2017年7月29日 (星期六)
Part A:聯群結隊荒漠藝行
Part B: 承先啟後:從英殖時期至香港特區的藝術發展脈絡
講者:呂豐雅先生 & 郭孟浩先生 (蛙王)
Exhibition Duration: 1 July – 29 July 2017 Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday | 11am – 6pm Opening Reception: 1 July (Sat) 2017 | 5 – 8pm (*Artists Present) Venue: Art Experience Gallery Artists: Gaylord Chan, Peggy Chan, Eddie Cheung, Josephine Chow, Michelle Fung Kuen Suet, He Jilan, Kwok Mang Ho (Frog King), Danny Lee, Li Ki Kwok, Eddie Lui, Samuel O, Paul Pang, Raymond Pang, Tsang Fan Kwong, Wong Wing Tong, Stephen Yau, Malone Yuen The Hong Kong Visual Arts Society (VAS) and Art Experience Gallery join forces and are proud to jointly present “Visions Present and Future” – The Hong Kong Visual Arts Society 43rd Annual Exhibition. For the very first time, The Hong Kong Visual Arts Society is collaborating with a local gallery. This exhibition will showcase more than thirty pieces of recent work by seventeen Hong Kong artists to present a great diversity of media and styles from Chinese and Western painting, photography, ceramics, sculpture to installation art. It is also a cross-generational dialogue between renowned veteran artists and young emerging talents. Seven new members of the Society are invited to participate in the 43rd annual exhibition, include Peggy Chan, Michelle Fung Kuen Suet, He Jilan, Paul Pang, Raymond Pang, Wong Wing Tong, and Malone Yuen. Titled “Visions Present and Future”, it speaks loudly of the Society’s vision to pass the baton to the younger generation artists. Art Experience Gallery who shares the same vision and goal to nurture young artists and cultivate the local art scene, is honoured to co-present this exhibition with VAS. Throughout the works shown in this exhibition, each artist speaks a strong and unique dialogue of their cultures and identities, embracing the passion for life and creation, and translating inspirations into their own visual languages. VAS annual exhibition is an important event in the Hong Kong art calendar as this occasion provides an excellent opportunity for members to communicate their creative achievements and ideas to a wider public. About Hong Kong Visual Arts Society Established in 1973, Hong Kong Visual Arts Society (VAS) is one of the earliest and most energetic art groups in Hong Kong. It was established by a group of like-minded artists to promote the development and enhancement of visual arts appreciation in Hong Kong, most of the members are renowned local visual artists. Former chairman of the Society include Gaylord Chan, Aser But, Chu Hing Wah, Lui Chun Kwong, Mok Yat San, Danny Lee, etc., and now VAS is under the chairmanship of Eddie Lui as President and Frog King, Kwok Mang Ho as Vice President. Their experience is vast and they have been organizing exhibitions to promote visual arts in Hong Kong for more than four decades. To further encourage and facilitate dialogues between local artists, two seminars will take place at Art Experience Gallery on 15 July 2017, and 29 July 2017. It is open to everyone who wishes to participate. *Free Admission, RSVP and enquiry at fion@artexperiencegallery.com / +852 2110 9928. Seminar I | 15 July 2017 (Sat) The Premiere Hong Kong Visual Art Group with the Magnificent Line-up of the 7 New Recruits Time: 2:30 − 4:30pm Moderator: Mr. Eddie Lui Speakers: 7 new Society members Seminar II | 29 July 2017 (Sat) Part A: The Flocks Walking Across the Desert of Art Time: 3 − 4:30pm Speaker: Mr. Simon Chiu
About Simon Chiu
Graduated form the Fine Art Department of the University of Hong Kong, Simon has worked as curatorial staff at the Hong Kong Museum of Art for ten years, and was responsible for the research and exhibitions for tea, modern and Hong Kong art. Founded Art Farm in 1993 to promote local art education, he keeps his interest in local art study and has involved in the production of over 30 Hong Kong artist video documentary over the past 20 years. These productions serve as valuable supplement for the written records of Hong Kong art development.
Part B: From the Very Avant-garde Era of the British Crown Colony to the not Entirely Contemporary Arena of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Time: 5 − 6:30pm Speakers: Mr. Eddie Lui & Mr. Kwok Mang Ho (Frog King)