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【 進行式 】黃敏俊 2018 髮續行為藝術展

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【 進行式 】黃敏俊 2018 髮續行為藝術

Progressive Form】Huang Ming-Chun Hair Performance Art 2018


開幕&表演 Opening & Performance:2018. 06.10(Sun.)3.00pm
展出時間 Duration:2018.06.08 (Fir.) - 2018.07.01 (Sun.)

地點 Venue :秋刀魚藝術中心 Fish Art Center


髮續“插秧”——黃敏俊v.s時尚髮型設計師 Dr. John。將剪下的頭髮用“插秧”的行為藝術表達一場對生命體悟的進行式!




台灣三年前的缺水危機和農業用水限制造成的田園巨變引發藝術家內心對人類文明進步的質疑,田園景色的轉換遂成為了藝術家畫布上的主題。延續之前用頭髮創作探討重生的議題,黃敏俊體會到維護水源對生命循環的重要性。另外,來自香港的髮型設計師 Dr. John在台灣美髮界名聲赫赫,許多政商名流都是他的常客。除了一手好刀法外,特別的是他崇尚自然的手藝,無需染燙、不用洗髮精等化學洗劑來清理頭髮,除了維護我們髮絲原生的健康,更對水資源做更友善的運用。因此,在與黃敏俊歡談後,兩人一拍即合,攜手創作並實踐重塑生命、使之延續的理念。Dr. John與黃敏俊展開了一系列的計畫,讓過去剪即棄之、視如垃圾的髮絮,在畫布上賦予嶄新的意義,象徵著生命永續與循環的進行式。這次,黃敏俊和 Dr. John將現場展示這項行為藝術,用現場剪下的頭髮以“插秧”的行為象徵生命的進行式及永續並且表達生命生長的循環。藉以闡釋自身對於維護水資源的意志並希望能夠喚起大眾的環保意識。


Hair “transplant”———Huang Ming-Chun V.S Hair designer Dr. John. Expressing the progressive form of understanding of life through haircut performance art!


By chance, Huang Ming-Chun, who has a habit of having long hair, had his hair cut and started making creations using the hair he previously had. He believes the cut hair has lost the function of protecting his head like falling leaves no longer protecting trees. However, Huang uses hair as the element in painting and makes them regrow on branches to explore the rebirth and continuation of life. Although the cut hair is no longer alive, it can be reborn on canvas in an artistic way. This is the progressive form of his perception of life.


Rural scenery has become the theme of Huang’s artwork. This is because he realizes the importance of maintaining the water as a resource in the life cycle. The drastic changes in the fields caused by the water crisis and limit on water usage three years ago in Taiwan triggered the artist’s inner question to the advancement of civilization.


Dr. John, a haircut designer from Hong Kong, is famous in the hairdressing industry in Taiwan and many celebrities and businessmen are regulars not only because of his professional skills but also his natural technique. Eliminating the need for dyeing, chemical shampoo, or otherwise to clean the hair, he considers that hair can maintain its original health while using water resources in a friendlier way.


Thus, Dr. John and Huang chatted and decided to execute this project. Giving useless cut hair a new meaning on the canvas which symbolizes the progressive form of the life cycle. This time, Huang Ming-Chun and Dr. John are going to demonstrate their performance art in Fish Art Center and use the cut hair at the venue to “transplant” to express the cycle of life growth and explain their determination of maintaining water resources. They hope to bring public awareness to environmental protection.