- 资质:
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1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 8.1分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:16年
- 展厅面积:
- 地 区:广东-广州

陈敏俊 在艺搜查询
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陈敏俊 助理工艺美术师
陈敏俊,助理工艺美术师,青年陶艺家,中国工艺美术协会会员,中国宜兴紫砂行业会员。出身于丁山,自由对紫砂耳濡目染,爱好美术!美术专业毕业后进紫砂2厂研究所从事紫砂壶设计制作, 作品构思新颖,题材广泛,自成一格!深受壶艺界一致好评。作品多次在各式展览中获金银等奖!多次收藏于《壶魂》,《紫砂艺术作品集》等书!
Chen Minjun
Chen Minjun and crafts assistant, assistant craft artists, young potters, Chinese Arts and Crafts Association, China Yixing industry members. Born in the din, the free monasteries on the purple, love art! Purple graduation backward Art Institute in the Teapot 2 plant design, works the novel broad range of topics, sui generis! Arts sector by the praise of pot. His works have won gold and silver in a variety of exhibition prize! Several collections in the "pot of Soul," "purple sand art collection" and other books!
陈敏俊,助理工艺美术师,青年陶艺家,中国工艺美术协会会员,中国宜兴紫砂行业会员。出身于丁山,自由对紫砂耳濡目染,爱好美术!美术专业毕业后进紫砂2厂研究所从事紫砂壶设计制作, 作品构思新颖,题材广泛,自成一格!深受壶艺界一致好评。作品多次在各式展览中获金银等奖!多次收藏于《壶魂》,《紫砂艺术作品集》等书!
Chen Minjun
Chen Minjun and crafts assistant, assistant craft artists, young potters, Chinese Arts and Crafts Association, China Yixing industry members. Born in the din, the free monasteries on the purple, love art! Purple graduation backward Art Institute in the Teapot 2 plant design, works the novel broad range of topics, sui generis! Arts sector by the praise of pot. His works have won gold and silver in a variety of exhibition prize! Several collections in the "pot of Soul," "purple sand art collection" and other books!