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  • 印象:
    垃圾艺术家 妓院画家 多样 当代艺术
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魅力东方 Oritenal Charm

  • 无图

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"过去的几十年里我们所共享的一切现代经验和知识谱系大多数来自西方,亚洲区在同构全球现代性的历史进程中并未占有多少份额。但今天的亚洲确实已经走出一条与西方不一样的现代性之路,它不再是一个无关的他者,它发出的声音人们已经无法忽视。艺术界也如此。1989年在巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心举办的“大地魔术师”(Magiciens de la Terre)展是一个重要转折点,它第一次向西方文化中心介绍了非西方国家的艺术,这不仅暗示了西方中心文化之外存在着未被认识和未被发现的共时性的现代艺术观念,而且也预言了多元主义文化时代的降临。
In the past few decades, all modern experience and system of knowledge what we share from the west. Asia in the history of the global modernity process did not contribute too much share. But today's Asia has certainly out of a different way of modernity to western country. It is no longer an irrelevant one. The Voice it made could not be ignored by people any more. The Art also like it too. In year 1989, an exhibition called “Magiciens de la Terre” which held in Centre National d'art et de Culture Georges Pompidou is an important turning point, For the first time, it introduced to the western culture centre nonwestern art. This not only hints at the centre of western culture from there is have not been known and have not been found synchronic modern art ideas, but also predicted the coming of diversifying culture age.

Now, Asian contemporary artist are much more forward than western artists. And bravely face the challenges of the international art to through our own language, or, more should be full of strong challenge ambitions. The artist Park Sobin and Chen Qingqing is going to a more independence way. They look for their own position between traditional and modern actively. A unique circumstances and sentiment only belong to the artist themselves. Therefore, they start to dig the truth from east tradition. Through the artistic creation, an interacting relationship established between ideas and society, work and audience, self and others. Furthermore, the artist expanded and extended the concept of artistic performing form. There is only one aim want to be expressed though their creation,that is expression of self-esteem and confidence in the east and find out the uniqueness of itself from Asian culture.