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  • 印象:
    垃圾艺术家 妓院画家 多样 当代艺术
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权武亨、黄静远双个展 MHK、HJY Two Solo Shows

  • 无图

  • 无图



"| 权武亨- 冥想

| 黄静远- C城市的那点事
| Kwon Moo Hyoung- Meditation
Moo-HyoungKwon has strengthened his ideas on nature and painting. His works are materialized through three media such as two-dimensional painting, photograph and video. Perhaps
his work can be recognized as close to minimalism. Repeated figures, disapproval of optical
illusion of pictorial space, simple and strict geometrical composition, monochromatic color
and etc. are the several elements for his works to be regarded as a type of minimalism.

| Huang Jing Yuan- Gossip from Confucius City
In her new series of black and white figurative paintings, Jing Yuan Huang creates a set of detailed panel works that juxtapose western fashion female models with news and generic Chinese imagery drawn from photographs found on the internet. Produced through a painstaking process of high-realism rendering, the artist casts the models as active characters in Chinese society, with common scenes of daily life restaged. The works considers the means through which social norms are constructed by advertising and state media within the bureaucratic government apparatus. Within the tableaus, she creates oddly androgynous hybrids that reverse entrenched gender roles and provide challenging new narratives.