
  • 资质:
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    1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 8.4
  • 印象:
    垃圾艺术家 妓院画家 多样 当代艺术
  • 经营时间:
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零下零度 -0℃

  • 无图

  • 无图




艺术家崔强通过作品讲述了社会中的无限复制及一个平均化的社会,崔亨燮讲述了瞬间的光荣、虚假及过度, 叶凌瀚讲述了社会中被抹掉的时间,赵一浅讲述了对幼年的想象。他们把鲜明又独特风格的作品良好的控制到了焦点上,他们以自己开阔的艺术视野、富有穿透力的敏锐洞察、成熟独到的表现技巧,题材、媒介和语言形式表达了艺术家心灵的自我,通过作品建立了作品与观众、观念与社会、自我与他者之间的互动关系,而且扩张和延伸了艺术观念的表现形式。
In this exhibition, the works of artists and their spatial images that are associated with either subtle or transparent clues will convey various sense of feel to different audience of viewers. A state of fragmentation and overlaps between the images occur accordingly and the artists and the works under the effects of respective focus prove to be a distinctive and unique style. In addition, the state of transformation in the context of shifting characteristics is a slow yet specific expression of process and poses a direct exchange of the basis of works. For a different viewing angle of the same image, the audience passively accepts the angle which in turn is to understand the difference.

Artist Cui Qiang tell Unlimited reproduction of and an equalization of the society, Choi Hyoungsup invites us to reflect on the hidden greed and desire within ourselves in works, Ye Linghan tell erased time in life, Zhao YiQian tell Childhood imagination. They use clear and distinctive visual languages to obtain focus, use their broad field of vision, sharp and piercing insight, and mature and unique expression skills, subject matter, media and language to express their minds.