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Adventure in Wonderland


Artnom’s works are generally characterized by the strong iron-like texture strokes, the usage of primary colors and the narratives within the characters Artnom himself created. On the other hand, Artnom’s bold outlines seem to be carrying out a certain role. Differentiation is an intentional barricading of the self, and all entities are locked up inside the self’s own world. Therefore, their similar laughs or cries cannot be the same laughs and cries. The interesting fact here is that the discernment and boundaries are like a common currency between all humans. In any situation, we cannot wholly accept another’s pain or depression. Only emotional assimilation or consolation of feelings is possible. And these facts are pronounced via Artnom’s cheerfully defined lines and colors.


Artnom’s work touches us with familiarity as the unfolding stories in them are what he has really experienced. His family is always present. His own life is smeared in, and the doors through which we can look into his life are hidden all over to be found in the end. There is nothing like honesty in inducing sympathy even if it is not a complete assimilation and sharing. Let us listen to both joyous and bitter stories in his upcoming solo exhibition. We will be able to cherish the plain but grandiose, the moderate but abundant rhapsody for our life. – Aesthetics Kim, Ji Hye