- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 1分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:22年
- 展厅面积:
- 地 区:台湾-台湾地区
羅永進個展 | 他方之境
- 展览时间:2016-04-02 - 2016-04-24
- 展览城市:台湾-台湾地区
- 展览地点:也趣艺廊 | 台北市民族西路141号
- 策 展 人:也趣艺廊
- 参展人员:
也趣藝廊將於4月2日(六) 以「他方之境」為名,推出中國攝影藝術家羅永進於台灣的首次個展。「他方」意指著地理上的遠處及他鄉,同時也作為個體精神上與在地的帶有距離的凝視角度。在羅永進的「悠游」作品系列,透過鏡頭所呈現的是如同漫遊者般遊走、漂移的見證,既察覺那生活場域內的細微之物,偶又遠望那遼闊無涯的地景。《桌腿》、《窗布》、《孔廟》甚至是《桂林》等如入無人之境的物件在羅永進鏡頭下,各自發揮其身為「異物」的魅力。在他獨特視角的影像中,所有物件的外觀皆逐一喪失其物質性,不再存有外部與內部的界線;內心世界遂成了外部景觀。換言之,他所關切的並非是那實實在在的實物,而是將其精神寄託於物、景的意識。他開啟了宏觀的敘事性,將對於生命的深度及廣度擴展至遠鄉,為他方灑上一抹撫慰的光彩。
Chinese photographer Lou Yong-Jin’s first solo exhibition in Taiwan- A Place Far Away will be debuting in AKI Gallery on 2016.04.02. The meaning of 【A Place Far Away】not only indicting the geographic distance but also implying photographer’s spiritual distance with places other than home.
In Lou’s photo series「TRIP · OTHERNESS」presents the images Lou captured when he was strolling around like a Flâneur. He captured not only the tiny details or ordinary moments in life but also the vast and boundless landscapes. The topics that seem common and typical such as《Confucius Temple》and《Guilin》become exotic under Lou’s camera. Through his unique shooting perspective, all objects’ outlook start fading, the inner and exterior boundary no longer exist. The photographer’s sight at heart becomes the view of outer space. In other word, photographer appreciates the spirit that entrust with the object rather than the object itself.
To Lou Yong-Jin, strolling around actually means staying still and observe. During the time roaming around, the photographer keeps realizing, thinking and proving. Just like how Michel Foucault describes Charles Pierre Baudelaire as a product of modern city, Lou Yong-Jin may like a Flâneur, but he captures the fleeting moment and will not satisfied with what he sees and will go on perusing the poetic meaning of history under modernity. Through the works of Lou Yong-Jin, there is always a layer of emotion for the hometown attached with his work.