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中国花园——北水版画作品展( 北京柏林   

Chinese Garden -- Beishui’ Print Exhibition Beijing--Berlin



展览名称:中国花园——北水版画作品展 (北京柏林)

主办:北京德滋画廊  德国柏林exhibeo画廊
策划:   米歇尔

开幕酒会:北京2011.5.22.15:00  柏林2011.05.20 19:30
展览时间:北京2011.5.21--6.30  柏林2011.05.01---6.05
展览地点:北京德滋画廊  北京市朝阳区百子湾苹果社区北区22院街艺术区2-56

电话:010-5842495613621202257  E-Mail: baihong163@yeah.net

德国柏林exhibeo画廊 Veteranenstraße 14  10119 Berlin
Tel.: ++49 (0)30.44351710, ++49 (0)30.4498883  E-Mail: pocai@exhibeo-berlin.de

http://www.exhibeo-galerie.de  http://blog.artintern.net/blogs/index/beishui


继去年北水在德国的版画展梦寻湿地展出后,2011年的初夏,北京德滋画廊很荣幸地和德国exhibeo画廊在北京、柏林两地同时推出北水的同一主题版画作品展:中国花园。这一系列作品如同他以前的作品一样,是艺术家用绘画对社会、自然的思考;对生命、人性的关怀;对环境恶化、物欲横流的忧虑。作品注重内在情感、灵性的深入表达,画面却非常优美,充满诗意,有一种中国水墨式的表现主义意味。他用悖论式的叙述表达着对美好的记忆和神往。                                            ——白洪 


自然万物,皆幻化为万千意象,美丽外表下的花园里,到处充斥着变异的形象和诡异的符号,这里的美丽与众不同,这里的风景非同寻常,这里的花朵分明是诱惑,闪烁着脱去鲜艳色彩外衣后的本性——花是生命存在的象征,在一幅幅作品里,看似所有物质性的成分,在永恒的絮乱中渗透进人性的种种表现形式,而一切人性的成分却又像是在本能的、幽暗的生命物体内得到精神的升华。北水的中国花园是那种人类与自然的纽带,,无论在空间和时间的范畴中,构建的是浑然一体的精神家园。          ——米尼


这个冬天(2010-2011)所做的丝网版画中国花园系列,是欲望花园系列的延续。之所以冠以中国,是因为我生长在中国这片我所热爱的土地上,她是我所能切身感知的自然。我的花园,是美丽外表下的变异的诡谧的花园,圆形的画幅暗示一种无限的繁衍和膨胀。风景已不是传统意义上的自然风光,虽然依然美丽,但诗意绚烂的外表难以消解本质的变异。在审美的诗意的画面背后隐藏着不安和忧虑。面对这样的风景和花园,审美是一种无奈。                                       ——北水


Title of the exhibition Chinese Garden -- Beishui’ Print Exhibitionbeijing---berlin
Beijing Dezi Art Center  Berlin exhibeo Gallery

CuratorBai Hong  Dr. Michael Schäbitz
Academic Director:Mini 
beijing 15:30pm, May 22, 2011  berlin 19:30pm, May 20, 2011
Show Time
beijing--May 21, 2011--June 30, berlin--2011 May 01, 2011-- June 05, 2011
2-B-056 beijing 22 Art Pingcd Community No.32 Baiziwan Road Chaoyang District(Trade Station Subway Line 10 exit sonth 500 meters southwest of the junction Ruizhao Inn is to the west to the Today Art Museum) TEL010-5842495613621202257

Berlin, Germany exhibeo Gallery  Veteranenstraße 14  10119 Berlin Tel.: ++49 (0)30.44351710, ++49 (0)30.4498883 E-Mail: pocai@exhibeo-berlin.de  http://www.exhibeo-galerie.de  http://blog.artintern.net/blogs/index/beishui



After his Serigraph exhibition Dream Search for Everglade. This early summer, Dezi gallery in Beijing and “Exhibeo Gallery” in Berlin both showed his series Serigraph China Garden. These works are just the same as his last series, which express his concern about society and nature, life and humanity, the environment and how material we all have become. His soul is in his artwork, which are beautiful as Chinese ink paintings are. He has beautiful wish about the life and society.



Everything in the world all has its own nature. There are beautiful flowers in the garden—here the beauty is a little different: the changing shape and secret symbol. The scenery is not common—flowers are so seductive, you can seize their nature without the gorgeous appearance. Flowers are the symbol of lives. From the artworks, --the flowers themselves imply the human nature, and all characters and souls of the human nature which can be founded from living things. Bei Shui explored something which connects human and nature from his Chinese Garden. He created a spiritual world—longing for the pure nature and explored the deep meaning of life.



Last winter (2010-2011),  my new artwork Serigraph China Garden is a kind of extension of my last series of work Desire Garden.  Why do I use the China Garden as the title of my work? Because i love the place I live in, it’s the nature I can feel deeply. My Garden seems beautiful and unnatural. The round shapes imply the endless reproduction and expansion. This new series is not the beauty of natural world.  Uncertainty and concern is in the work. This situation is lacking of aesthetics.
