- 资质:AGA
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- 经营时间:16年
- 展厅面积:
- 地 区:北京-朝阳-22院街
2018-07-23 18:32:18 作者:北水 来源:德国北水个展《欲望花园》
那不是花 是生命。是一个卑微的生命是对生命的悲悯。我们都很卑微。我们难逃最终的孤独和寂寞。
《湿地》系列,是童年的记忆,是对逝去的自然原生态的怀恋和向往 表达了人类渴望回归自然的原始本能,也是对现时环境的恶化和城市不断扩张的铐问和忧伤。
欲望本身并不是恶的,它是生命个体的一种天然品质。问题在于它的无限扩张和膨胀。没有一定约束的欲望将是一种灾难。这是一个物欲的时代,随着社会经济的发展无限膨胀, 消费性的物质欲望无所不在。随着欲望的膨胀,疯狂变异已成为这个时代最显著的图像。
By Bei Shui
My Garden of Desire consists of two painting series, the Blossom of Poppies and the Swamp.
The work of Blossom of Poppies series is expressed apparently in symbolic abstraction, but is enriched by the introspective meanings behind. It implies the questions raised by the artist on the fate and soul for the contemporary people in today’s world. With the realistic appearance and the abstract essence, the painting seems to be eye-catching and pretty, however many things need to be interpreted behind the beauty. It can catch your eyes, and make yourself comprehend. When you stare at a blossom of poppies, it gradually shows you its beauty, pomposity, desolation, desire, strange, evil, trembling, life and death, the splendor and vanity of life……The black background of the work metaphors the death and unpredictable unknowns or universe.
It is not about blossom, but life, which is both humble and miserable. We are all humble but we have nowhere to escape from our loneliness or solitude.
The work of Swamp series is about the memory of childhood, which yearns for the disappeared original nature, expressing the eagerness of its return and the reflection and depression on the deteriorated environment and urbanization.
Everyday we are using “DRUG”, so you are. The DRUG is everywhere in our daily life and society, including what we eat, drink, use and look, as well as our social model, the value of philosophy and the orientation of spirit. However, we enjoy it with helplessness. The root of the poison is the unbalance desire, and we take unavoidable responsibility for it.
Desire itself is not evil, but a natural quality of individual life; so the question is whether it is the endless expansion or unlimited extension. Disaster would fall if the desire was not restraint. Now the world is full of material and desire, and as the economic society develops and expands infinitely, the material consumption extends everywhere. With its extension, the crazy variation becomes the most distinguished image of this era.
(English Translator: Catherine Cheng)