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刘茜懿 在艺搜查询

出生年份: 1987
籍    贯: 北京


刘茜懿 ,影像艺术家 导演 1987年出生于北京,日本早稻田大学大学院博士生在读。

Liu Qianyi, Contemporary Artist and film director, born in Beijing in 1987, Currently studying in Waseda University, Ph. D Undergraduate .


  刘茜懿  1987 年生于北京,影像艺术家,导演。现工作和生活于东京和北京。年幼时在日本接受教育,1999年回国后开始深度游历祖国的大山大水感悟自然的力量,同时考察中国古代文明和当下发展中的都市文化,感受到哲学的混沌和冥想籁籁之声。自从2008年制作绘画装置作品《小格系列》,这是个人她坚持制作时间最长的装置影像系列,这也是她所有创作的思路轨迹的起点。2010年大学毕业后赴日本早稻田大学留学,期间去欧洲法国,瑞士,西班牙等地方考察;在伦敦剧院观看现代戏剧《肮脏的舞蹈》时被舞台上的大霓虹球所触动,想象了此球飞往无限宇宙的镜头,回东京后开始制作实验动画《天籁籁》。



   Liu Qianyi, a video artist and director, was born in Beijing in 1987. She received education in Japan at a young age and currently lives and works in Tokyo and Beijing. After returning back to China in 1999, she began traveling through the great mountains and rivers in order to perceive the forces and nature of her motherland and simultaneously  investigating the developments of ancient Chinese civilization and contemporary urban culture. Through her travels, she felt the philosophical voices of chaos and meditations of the melodies of nature. Since the production painting installation "small cell series" in 2008, it has been the device image series that she personally insisted on spending the longest time to make; this is also the starting point to all of her creative ideas. After graduating from college in 2010, she studied abroad at Waseda University in Japan and during this period of time she visited France, Switzerland, Spain and other places in Europe. She was fascinated by the big neon disco ball on stage while watching the modern drama "Dirty Dancing" at the London theater and begin to imagine scenes of it flying in the infinite universe, which led to the making of the experimental animation TIANLAILAI after her return to Tokyo.   
    In 2011, she participated in the French Reunion Art resident program, and during her 3 months on the island she began the making of the second episode of TIANLAILAI series animation called DILAILAI, which was later published in the Reunion Biennale exhibition. Soon after this she went to Africa to participate in the Comoros Film Festival and was fascinatingly influenced by the other side of the world which led her to ponder upon the meaning of attributiveness, the persuite of nature and mental imagery and the reconstruction of these elements. These thoughts will become the roots of her future film production's visuals and ideas.
Liu XiQian learned film making through filming documentary films.  Through the documentary recordings, she also has a new understanding of the world. She participated in the filming of Monoha artist Koji EnokuraKyoto Story,and directed a documentary film called JIA PINGWA a people’s letrature.  She follows Japanese film maker, Kenji Takama in learning cinematography. She explores contemporary artistic vision through montage and visual language - involvement of experiments and suspicions and with her large paintings  HEY heart Big foot and other works of visual art combine together to explore new visual movie possibilities.     





2006 考入北京电影学院美术系,2010年获学士学位。

Beijing Film Academy, got the bacular degree.

Admitted into Beijing Film Academy Department of Art, graduated with Bachelor degree in 2010

2010    赴日本早稻田大学留学 ,2012年获硕士学位 。

             Attended Waseda University and obtained the Master degree in 2012.

2012    于日本早稻田大学攻读博士学位至今。

             Currently studying in Waseda University, Ph. D Undergraduate .




个展 Solo show

2013      《回声・ECHO》 日本横滨黄金町当代艺术中心


群展(部分) Group show (selected)

2013      上海OCT美术馆《曲径通幽》动画展                                上海OCT美术馆

The Gerden of forking paths   Exploring Independent Animation           OCT Contemporary Art Terminal Shanghai

《在地未来》文化中国海外青年艺术家邀请展               深圳何香凝美术馆  

Culture China   Young overseas Chinese invitational exhibition  Hexiangning Art Museum

《动画是一层皮》十一人个艺术家的动画案例           广州国际单位艺术中心

            Animation is a Piece of Skin-Case Studies of 11 Artists    Guangzhou times art center



《自律与思辨》第三届北京电影学院国际新媒体艺术三年展                 北京  

Self discipline and Speculation   the third Beijing film academy International New Media Arts Triennal Exhibition                                 Beijing Film Academy

2012  《大声展》塑形影像单元展映            北京三里屯橙色空间,北京当代MOMA 

      Get it louder  Exhibition                                 Sanlitun orange space, Beijing MOMA



    东京GTS当代艺术展                                     东京台东区,隅田川公园 ,日本  

GTS contemporary art festival                                          Tokyo, Sumidagawa park  

  第一届中国动画双年展  China Anima                                                            深圳

          Shenzhen Independent  animation biennale                                   Shenzhen, China


2011        法国留泥旺双年展   展览及驻地艺术创作                   法国海外省  留泥旺岛

          Reunion Biennale 2011  residency and exhibition           Reunion Island, France


国际电影节   International Film Festival

2013    香港国际电影节 国际短片竞赛单元                                                   中国香港

Hong Kong International Film Festival   International competition              Hong Kong                                      


2012       荷兰动画节 中国独立动画单元                                               荷兰,乌切特丹

2013      Holland Animation Film Festival                                                  Utrecht,Holland


     越南河内国际电影节                                                                          河内,越南         

            Hanoi International Film Festival                                                Hanoi, Vietnam


    科摩罗国际电影节                                                                  印度洋科摩罗群岛 

           Comoros International Film Festival                                   Comoros Indian ocean


策展经历 Culation

2013第三届北京电影学院国际新媒体艺术三年展 相约在当下单元        北京,中国

         Self discipline and Speculation   the third Beijing film academy International New Media Arts Triennal Exhibition, section MEET IN CONTEMPORARY      Beijing,China

        展览《形质与介质的空间》                                         非洲科摩罗国家文化中心

      Exhibition  Form of quality and media space                     national center Comores

出版文献(部分) Archive of article(Selected)

《刘茜懿的艺术动画和世界旅行》   《中国电视动画》2013年3月号作者栏 总第40期发表 2013  The Travelling of LIU QIANYI and her art animation        China television  animation  Vol.40 2013.March



The Expression of Concepts from Ancient Chinese Cosmology in the Minigrid Series, a work of Visual Art                   Waseda Universty GITS research bulletin 2012-2013

获奖经历 Awards



TRACE AND LEAP   Beijing Film Academy  60th Anniversary Exhibition

The Second Beijing Film Academy NEW MEDIA ART Triennal

Win Awards  Best  Animation and Painting

2012  全三维实验动画《天籁籁》荣获早稻田大学理工学术院奖。


WASEDA University Polytechnic Academy Award         



New Artist 100  2011   Magazine L’official Art


收藏经历 Collections

2009  装置绘画作品《小格系列》No.1-No.33 收藏于瑞士收藏家 乌里•希克Xiaoge Series No.1-No.33  are collections by Uli Sigg

2012 大型绘画作品《Hi草莓》《HEY心脏》收藏于瑞士收藏家 乌里•希克

Strawberry, Hey heart  are collections by Uli Sigg

    2012图片作品《玩耍地球仪的少年1》  收藏于日本电影导演安藤紘平和奥斯卡提名美国纪录片导演约翰约克曼。

         图片作品《玩耍地球仪的少年2》   收藏于越南河内市。

        The piping of people (photograph) collections by the government of Hanoi,      Vietnam, Kohei Ando, John Jonkerman



电影工作经历 (部分)Cinematographyselected):

2007    参加北京电影学院美术系日本物派艺术家纪录片项目《夏仓康二》,担任后期剪辑,翻译,采访。

2012    日本文部科学省和北京电影学院合作项目,纪录片《京都掠影》担任执行    制片人,后期剪辑。

2013  纪录片《贾平凹》 担任导演。


Attended Beijing Film Academy  artist documentary project ,

 A documentary A Monoha Artist Koji Enokida,

Served as editor and translator.


A documentary KYOTO RYOEI 

 Cool Japan campaign project from Japanese MEXT ministry

Served as line producer, editor.


A documentary    people’s literature  JIA PING WA

Served as Director