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郑琼娟 -「心之所向」

2017-09-21 18:44:06           来源:红野画廊



Chung-Chuan Cheng is always engaged in her art career with a positive and firm mind. At 80 years old, she still diligently works on her paintings. She faces everything around her with a broad vision and focus on mind over matter. Chung-Chuan's inner self have been perfectly expressed and envisaged through the natural landscapes and the universe she has created and put on canvas through her own artistic interpretation, almost developing her own visual and emotional language which communicates the 'landscape of the mind'.  

《妍媚 Voluptuousness》压克力 纸本 Acrylic on paper, 38x27cm (5F), 2017

Rotating style frequently occurs in the artworks of Chung-Chuan Cheng, if you watch the brushstrokes on the painting carefully, which we call it "whirl", symbolizes creating a balance condition. Chung-Chuan Cheng gave the "whirl" infinite vitality, that is the extension of life of rattan plants, showing the vitality of active; at the same time it is also flowing like gas, moving the quiet lines, further spreading into the hearts of the viewer.

《蒙Vapours》压克力 纸本 Acrylic on paper, 38x27cm (5F), 2017

郑琼娟深受思想家约瑟夫˙墨菲(Joseph Murphy, 1898-1981)的影响,认为绘画,最重要的即是思想,若内心空洞,色彩终将只是无意义的堆积而已,一如墨菲所说: 「心中的一幅画面胜过千言万语。潜意识会将你心中所想、并全心相信的画面实践出来。」唯有心灵富足,尚能在画笔所及之处,挥洒出自身的精神意象,「心之所向,身之所往」,便是她始终相信的信念。郑琼娟在经过丰富的生命历程后,不仅更加了解生命的价值和意义,也坚定地确信自身不忮不求的人生态度,随着一幅幅创作的撼动,观者能感受到浓烈的情感纠结在画面中,撞击出绚烂花火。
"Just follow your heart, and keep going forward," Chung-Chuan Cheng believes that the faith at heart will often lead people to the desired future. Deeply influenced by thinker Joseph Murphy (1898-1981), she believes when painting, thoughts are the most important; if the heart is empty, the colors are only meaningless strokes. As Murphy once said: "The picture in one's heart is worth a thousand words. As you sow in your subconscious mind, so shall you reap in your body and environment." Chung-Chuan Cheng values the meaning of life after experiencing ups and downs in her life. She shares her inspiration of life and tries to bring the positive energy to the public. Her artworks are profound and meaningful. Through the interaction with the paintings, viewers can absolutely feel her cares and enthusiasm and in her arts and dreams.

《峣峣Sheer》压克力 纸本 Acrylic on paper, 27x38cm (5F), 2017

2017.09.02 - 10.01
