沧海桑田—— 胡宝学四十年作品回顾展
Ravages of Time--- Forty-Year Retrospective of Hu Baoxue’s Art
胡宝学 简介:美术教师、艺术家 1955年-2012年。江苏省南通市人。
Hu Baoxue (1955-2012) of Nantong City, Jiangsu Province was an artist and art teacher.
作为一个心智健康的艺术家,胡宝学先生前后九次被当做是精神病人送进了精神病院,强迫治疗,历经磨难。 他一生最大的痛苦和遗憾是活着的时候没有人认为他是一个正常人。而他最大的幸福和满足是能够和艺术结缘,艺术给了他精神的归依和生活的乐趣,同时他也回报于艺术以美和真诚。为了纪念这位孤独而虔诚的艺术家,本次特地挑选了胡宝学先生自上个世纪七十年代至新世纪以来,近40年里每个年代的部分作品策展。 沧海桑田,作品中我们可以感受岁月的痕迹,时代的变迁,人生的感慨。
Exhibitors’ Remarks:
In spite of being in good mental health, the artist Hu Baoxue was put into mental hospitals on nine separate occasions and was forced to undergo treatments which caused him considerable suffering.
His greatest regret and grievance during his lifetime was that nobody would affirm his sanity.
His greatest happiness and satisfaction was that art could be part of his life. Art gave him spiritual refuge and delight. At the same time, he repaid art with his beautiful creations and earnestness.
As a tribute to this solitary, devoted artist, our exhibition will present selected works ranging over the past 40 years, beginning in the 1970s and extending into the current century.
RAVAGES OF TIME: In these artworks we can feel the passage of years, the succession of eras, and the touching story of a life.