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本次展览由瀚之欧洲艺术画廊•中国(EUROP'ART CHINA)主办,展览将从2015年1月17日到3月28日在上海市普陀区莫干山路93号瀚之欧洲艺术画廊•中国展出。届时观众朋友将欣赏到沪川两地,老、中、青三代艺术家李厚(Li Hou)、蓝正辉(Lan Zhenghui)、周倩(Zhou Qian)的水墨作品。特别值得一提的是本次展览中的三位艺术家分别会亲临现场讲述他们的创作历程,让喜爱他们的观众朋友更近距离的接触和交流。




借此次展览的契机特向公众公告画廊变更信息:原“欧洲艺术画廊(中国)”正式更名为“瀚之欧洲艺术画廊•中国”,原英文名“GALLERY EUROP’ART CHINA”更名为“EUROP’ART CHINA”;画廊LOGO也将做出相应变更。画廊在2015年将以全新的面貌呈现给广大艺术爱好者,望大家也能一如既往地支持瀚之欧洲艺术画廊•中国在今后的发展。


The Being of Nihility: Joint Exhibition for Contemporary Abstract Ink Paintings

Contemporary ink painting is a new kind of art, which is a production of the combination of traditional Chinese ink painting and modern western art concepts. Artists, based on traditional Chinese brushes, ink, rice paper, and etc., create the artworks with modern western artistic ideas and methods. Thus, contemporary ink paintings are quite different from the traditional Chinese ink paintings, especially in terms of ways of expression. In the beginning of 2015, EUROP'ART CHINA(瀚之欧洲艺术画廊•中国) launches The Being of Nihility: Joint Exhibition for Contemporary Abstract Ink Paintings, providing an excellent opportunity for those who are fond of art to appreciate the unique style of contemporary artworks.

Hosted by EUROP'ART CHINA, the exhibition will be open from January 17th to March 28th, 2015 at No.93 Moganshan Road, Putuo-Shanghai, China. The exhibits are from Shanghai and Sichuan artists of various ages, including Li Hou(李厚), Lan Zhenghui(蓝正辉) and Zhou Qian(周倩). The most exciting part of the exhibition is that the above-mentioned three artists are going to meet, face to face, with audiences, sharing their experiences of creation.

Li Hou(李厚), aka Xiao Sun, was born in 1938 in Shanghai. Part of family heritage, Li studied, under his grandmother and father, the traditional Chinese art of painting and calligraphy. As a teenager, Li started to study Western oil paintings under the oil master Yan Wenliang(颜文樑). Soaking himself in classic studies and traditional Chinese art forms throughout the Cultural Revolution, Li emerged as a well-established ink wash painter and calligrapher in the 70s.  Li started experimenting with abstract and expressionist methods while using traditional Chinese media of ink and rick paper.

Lan Zhenghui(蓝正辉) was born in Sichuan Province in 1959. He is famous worldwide as an artist of contemporary Chinese ink paintings and founder of heavy ink paintings. He graduated from Sichuan Institute of Fine Arts in 1987 and followed Master Liu Xiaochun(刘骁纯) in 2003. He created and lived in Chongqing, Guangzhou, and Canada and started his own art studio in Beijing in 2007.Lan is a brand ambassador artist of many international brands. He was reward as Crossover Artist of the Year in 2013 by COMFORT. He is also a major participator of 85 New Art Movement. With almost 30 years experience of abstract art and contemporary ink paintings, Lan started to think about the expression of “Heavy”. He tried to create and to establish a concept of “dimension writing” of ink paintings. He is also recognized as an outstanding artist in expression of “heavy” and abstract structures of contemporary ink paintings.

Zhou Qian(周倩) was born in shanghai and started learning Chinese calligraphy and painting influenced by her father who is a famous calligrapher. She graduated from Singapore Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, major in western painting. After she furthers her art studies in China National Academy of Painting for landscape and Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts for flowers and birds.  Zhou’s artworks combine both Chinese and western techniques, as well as vivid colors and lines of calligraphy, which represents in new style image out of image rich in Chinese philosophy. Her artworks were collected by Liu Haisu Art Museum, China’s Diplomatic Department and Duke University as permanent collection or selected as a gift to foreign countries. In addition, Zhou Qian takes active part in social and charity events in art and literature circles.

Notice: Our gallery, EUROP’ART CHINA (瀚之欧洲艺术画廊•中国), has changed both its names and logos. We are looking forward to being loved and followed by everyone as before.




电话:86 21 6226 1939

Email: contact@europartchina.cn


The Being of Nihility: Joint Exhibition for Contemporary Abstract Ink Paintings

Time: January 17th to March 28th, 2015

Add: EUROP'ARTCHINA (No.93 Moganshan Road, Shanghai, China)

Tel: 86 21 6226 1939

Email: contact@europartchina.cn