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2014-05-04 18:36:24          

Manifestation of Order
Du Xiyun

Individuals and society are unified in that individual thinking modes and social organization patterns are complementary. Many individuals make up the society, while the latter influences everyone.
  艺术家首先是人,是生活在具体社会处境中的人。谁都无法拔着自己的头发离开地面, “超越”只能在梦境和臆想中。
An artist is first a human being, living in the concrete social environment. No one can get away from the ground by pulling his own hair, so "transcendence" exists only in dreamland and imagination.
Art is one mode of expression, which richly differs in who is going to express, what to express and how to express… Through art, we could create dreams and get closer to the fact.
Liu Zhonghua, Fu Hong and Li Bo's modes of expression are different at all, but they all hope to express real experience of living at the moment. They respect individual intuition and naturally perceive the order always following with them like a shadow.
Beautiful words can easily make up illusions; actual actions reflect people's most authentic motives. Liu Zhonghua believes in the truth he has perceived, deducting the invisible thinking modes within it, and showing them through images. In his picture, the images with symbolic meaning are transformed and integrated in unreasonable ways. This kind of expression method is the arrangement of rationality while ridiculous humor flows in the visual effect. If we compare the social orders to games, we find out that everyone operates in different programs, participates in programmings on various levels and is also involuntarily controlled by the programs. Liu Zhonghua is like a decoder who reveals the game rules that he has experienced.
Fu Hong's paintings absorb the mechanical effect peculiar to images and strengthen his intuitive experience through the independent mode of painting. In his picture, the grand public pavilion is ablaze with lights, but people who should have been users are absent. Or the group of people gather or are gathered with the same posture and expression, however, the independence and diversity of individuals are absent. The relationship between the group and individual has always been the emphasis of culture discussion. Whether emphasis is laid on the group or individual forms totally different orders of culture. In the new background of integration of global economy and information, these questions are constantly discussed again and again.
Li Bo's works highlight a full power of the media materials and a strong psychological atmosphere, blending the individuals' sensitive feelings and complicated psychology in the current social situations, and enabling them to have a distinct and correct orientation. The sensory instinct is the measurement of norms. He measures the current norms with his own primitive instinct and delivers the expression of life's resistance by pathetic venting. The mood he expresses is all feelings-inclusive, chaotic and obscure, but the social dilemmas behind all those moods keep lingering. The people of this era understand tacitly the reasons that cause the moods.
Specific order and the feelings of individuals engaged in it are cause and effect for each other. In the contemporary society characteristic of rapid change and opening, individuals' feelings and recognition are also changing continuously. An individual is infinitesimal, and change is often rather slow; however, the change of an individual is the starting point of change of order. Although most of the time they are unaware of it, the contemporary people are in such a continuous-flowing change.
                March 25, 2014

