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層出不窮 Endless Emerging

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The title of this exhibition "endless emerging" is quoted from Yuewei Cottage Notes made by a well-known scholar Ji Yun in Qing Dynasty, which literally means that something emerging in succession tends to be inexhaustible. This saying has exactly described schools of art and artists in the art history. Since the twentieth century, the art circle at home and abroad has suffered from thrilling and stormy changes and a large number of endless legendary stories have emerged continuously in the wave of art campaigns. As what they saying has told us, everything continues starting from the very beginning for a more beautiful and lively future.

In celebration of the opening of YST Gallery, this exhibition aims to showcases creations of young artists. By presenting their novel works full of sincerity, we hope to offer more expectations and prospects for everything. Luckily, we have Guo Zilong, Li Wei, Liu Jinghong, Peng Bo, Sun Hao, Xu Hongxiang, and Zhang Zheyi in this exhibition, who belong to recent rising stars of the new generation in the art field of China. What they share in common is their strong determination to forge ahead and keep their feet firmly on the ground. What distinguish them from each other is their vivid personalities and their unique ways to express themselves. If we say that the youth decides the future of a country, their works will help us feel the existence of the bright still future.