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  • 印象:
    不愧湖北佬 堪称九头鸟 画面有意境 画家很出色 有心去探讨
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展览主题 / Title 
· 对话—中英水彩邀请展 
· DIALOGUE— The FIRST Invitational Exhibition of Watercolours by Chinese and British Artists 

参 展 人/ Participants 
· 罗比·瑞斯(伦敦)、王涌(武汉)、陈勇劲(武汉)

· Robbie Wraith(London), Wang Yong (Wuhan), Chen Yongjin (Wuhan)

主 办 / Organizer 
· 仟僖雅画廊 

开幕式/ Opening:  
· 14/09/2014  3:00pm 
· 14 September 2014,  Sunday at 3:00pm 

展 期 / Duration 
· 2014 / 9 / 14 - 2014 / 10 / 14 

展览地址 / Address 
· 武汉市江岸区黎黄陂路2号 
· 2nd Li huang pi Road,Wuhan, Hubei, PR China 

文 / 陈费伊 



    五十年前的今天“英国水彩画三百年作品展览” 首次来华展出,英国艺术家凭借着百年水彩资历,深厚的传统根基和强大的影响力,深深震撼了中国水彩艺术家们的心,同时开拓了国人水彩画家的视野。从此也拉开了中西美术文化交流的新序幕。

    五十年后的今天,仟僖雅画廊迎来了第一个中英水彩的邀请展,我们邀请到英国皇家水彩艺术协会的Robbie Wraith 和中国水彩协会的王涌和陈勇劲先生,借展览之名,达交流之意。不需多说,带着对传统传承的尊敬和感恩的心直接和作品本身对话吧。





The term watercolour was seen in Britain as early as in the age of Shakespeare, who has mentioned it in his dramatic plays. Thanks to the natural climate that is favorably moist and moderate and also to artists’ consistent practice, improvement, development and, consequently, abundant experiences in a long course, the watercolour painting has been rooting deeply and spreading widely, from 17th to 19th century, in the country. It is even esteemed as the “national painting” of Britain. 


In China, even though the similar, embryonic art form already appeared in the Spring and Autumn period in ancient times, it is until the arrival of Giuseppe Castiglione, an Italian missionary and court painter that watercolour painting became known in China. In the wake of spreading western cultures, Chinese found affinities between the aesthetic appreciations of traditional Chinese painting and the unique quality of western watercolour, and spontaneously, they felt sympathetic and embraced it. In the 1980s, a “cultural heat” ever swept through China and which is, in a sense, significantly comparable to the European Renaissance. History is a mirror for the present. More or less, the majority of contemporary Chinese artists should ascribe their success in forming their own styles to the artists of older generation. This perspective is virtually another access to interpret the “Dialogue.”


Fifty years ago, the exhibition Three Centuries of British Art was displayed in China and unveiled for the first time the paintings from the country to Chinese audience. As a part of the exhibition, the profound works of watercolour brought to Chinese watercolour artists inspiring shocks and widened enormously their scale of art. Also, the exhibition opened the curtain of artistic exchange between China and the West.


Today, fifty years later, Galerie Chenshia holds its “First Invitational Exhibition of Watercolours by Chinese and British Artists,” which features a collection of works by Robbie Wraith, a member of Royal Watercolour Society, and Wang Yong and Chen Yongjin who both are China Watercolour Painters Association. The show is not only about art exposition, but more the idea communication. Now, no more words, let’s just let the dialogue starting between these works and our respect as well as gratefulness to those who are devoted to continuing and promoting traditions.


Chen Feiyi

30 August, 2014