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卢中见 艺术自助家官网

出生年份: 1961
籍    贯:


出版: 《卢中见画集》 《花鸟画入门》 《胭脂篇》
《卢中见人物画选》 《卢中见小品人物画选》
《卢中见山水画选》 《卢中见工笔人物画集》

Zhongjian Lu was born during September 1961 in Yanshi City , Henan Province , China . He is now working at The Cultural Broadcasting Press and Publication Bureau in Shantou City , Guangdong Province , China .

Zhongjian is well known and popular within the Chinese art world , having close connections with many schools and associations including -

Chinese Artists Association .
Guangdong Provincial Artists Association.
Guangdong Youth Artists Painting Academy. ( Vice Chairman )
Artists Association of Shantou City . ( Vice Chairman )
Painter of Chinese Painting Academy in Shantou City .
Contracted Painter of Cantonese Painting Academy .
Distinguished Painter in Residence of Liao He Painting Academy .

Artworks and Awards include -

" Chao-Shan Dance " Awarded the Bronze Medal in the Ninth National Art Exhibition .
Guang Artists Association , Award nomination for 50 years of Classic Works .
" Affluence " Outstanding Work in the First Chinese Freehand Art Exhibition .
" Chao-Shan Dragon Dance " Won the Gold Award of the National Prize of the Twelfth Stars .
" Chao-Shan Centipede Dance" Won the Bronze Award for Eighth Stars .
" Chao-Shan Big Gong " Won the National Award for Excellence Fourteenth Stars .
" Chao-Shan Puma Dance " Won the Gold Medal at the Guangdong Province First Chinese Exhibition .
" Auspicious" Won the 2000 National Chinese Painting Exhibition Bronze .
" HuiAn Woman" Selected for the 2001 National Chinese Painting Exhibition .
" Memories of Childhood " Selected for the Thirteenth New Exhibition .
" Stud Horse " Selected for the Thirteenth New Exhibition .
" Hockey " Selected for the Fifth National Sports Art Competition .
" HuiAn Woman " Candidate in the 2004 Chinese Characters Exhibition
" Husband and Wife " Selected in 2009 by the Members of the Chinese Artists Association Exhibition .


" Zhongjian Lu Paintings "
" Zhongjian Lu Finger Paintings "
" Flowers and Birds - Getting Started "
" Rouge Book "
" Zhongjian Lu - Portrait Painting "
" Zhongjian Lu Figures of Short Sketch Paintings "
" Zhongjian Lu - Landscape Painting "
" Zhongjian Lu - Detailed Character Painting "
" Young and Middle Aged Chinese Artists - Zhongjian Lu " 21st Century series of books .
" He-Luo Fairy Tale "
" Knowing and Doing of Zhongjian "