- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 2.8分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:12年
- 展厅面积:700平米
- 地 区:北京-通州
- 展览时间:2018-08-10 - 2018-08-15
- 展览城市:北京-通州
- 展览地点:上能艺术当量美术馆(北京市通州区宋庄镇尚堡艺术区C106)
- 策 展 人:尹一权 白野夫
- 参展人员:
무더운 더위 속에 전남-북경 작가들의 국제 미술교류전이 열리게 된 것을 뜻 깊게 생각하고 축하합니다. 이번 교류전이 개최 되기 까지 많은 노력을 해 주신 중국의 관계자들께 감사 의 말씀을 전합니다. 특히 정치적 상황 등 어려운 여건에도 좋은 작품을 출품해주신 화가들께도 감 사의 말씀을 전합니다. 이번 교류전은 양국의 수준 높은 작품을 소개하고 국제적인 네트워크를 강화 시키고 화가들간 문화예술 기관들과의 활발한 교류도 활발히 진행되는기회 가 될 것이라 생각 합니다. 이번 국제 교류전을 계기로 양국의 문화예술 발전과 전시 행사가 지속적으로 발전하기를 바랍니다. 끝으로 이번 전시회를 찾아 주신 내빈들께 고개 숙여 진심으로 감사의 인사를 드립니다. 감사합니다.
한국화 구상회장
具象会 会长
文化是人类共同的财富,它的价值是不可估量的。艺术是我们共同的追求,它的魅力在于,精神无限,不断创新,永无止境;文化与艺术都需要彼此交流,共同增进。 中国与韩国,隔海相望,毗邻互动;虽然语言不通,然而,形容相貌却有着极为神似之处,文化情谊也能共话源远。 韩国因受西方文化影响的较早,文化生活与艺术观念有着其独特的一面。在民族个性与生命体征中,表现出坚韧、执着、耐力与顽强。在艺术观念与艺术材料的应用上,广泛而恒久。 中国自上世纪80年代改革开放后,西方的文化和艺术才开始正式的进入人们的生活,精神与心灵的碰撞;生活与环境的突变;物欲与生命的纠缠,使得今天艺术家的艺术视野与表达,空前的繁荣与肆肆,艺术观念的更新与艺术语言的锤炼,丰富而多元。 在资讯飞速发展的今天,多元文化相互交融,相互碰撞。因而,彼此之间增进了解,增进交流,已经成为相互共同发展的必然。 愿文化和艺术的交流,成为我们筑建桥梁的原动力。彼此相和,彼此相助,彼此牵手,共筑友爱的基石。
Culture heritage is the common wealth of mankind and its value is immeasurable. Art is our common pursuit and the beauty of this lies in the never endless infinite spirit and the constant innovation. Both culture and arts need to be communicated and developed together. China and South Korea, facing each other across the Yellow sea, interact with each other. Despite the lack of language, there is a strong resemblance between facial expressions and cultural camaraderie. Due to the early influence of western culture, Korea has its unique cultural life and artistic concept. It is the tenacity, perseverance, and endurance emanating from Korean that has been embedded in its national personality and vital signs. It has brought widespread and lasting effect in the application of artistic concepts and artistic materials. Only after China's reform and opening up in the 1980s, western culture and art have only begun to enter people's lives in a formal way. The collision of spirit and mind, the change in life and environment and the entanglement of material desire and life has brought up unprecedented prosperity and unbridled of the artistic vision and expression of today’s artist. It has also brought up richness and diversity in the renewal of artistic concept and the tempering of artistic language. Nowadays, with the rapid development of information, diverse cultures blend and collide with each other.Therefore, it is inevitable for us to enhance mutual understanding and exchanges. May the exchange of culture and art become the driving force for us to build relationships. Let’s hold our hands to build a foundation of friendship for loving and peace.
By Bai Yefu
Fine Arts International Union
策展人:尹一权(韩) 白野夫(中)
开幕式时间:2018年8月10日下午 5点
具万采 金永一 金起范 朴智贤 朴昌洙 朴洪秀 朴秉洛 徐京蘭 梁洪吉 严基准 李善馥 魏振守 魏圣万 郑明敦 曹圭哲 赵善芽 张容熏 千咏禄 柳在雄 韩东勋
白野夫 陈劼 程全胜 何庆源 胡又笨 梁屹 刘玉表 刘高瞻 李春光 李伟 潘柬芝 彭文斌 沈加根 王恺 王红卫 许国良 许英辉 夏鹏程 尹一权 张雁枫