- 资质:艺
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 9.9分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:12年
- 展厅面积:1500平米
- 地 区:北京-朝阳
"El Viaje Tranquilo"——静谧之旅
- 展览时间:2014-08-12 - 2014-09-14
- 展览城市:北京-朝阳
- 展览地点:逸空间 [地址:建国门外大街建外soho东区5号别墅地下一层,0103B ]
- 策 展 人:刘曼嘉
- 参展人员:
El Viaje Tranquilo
By Steven Sampliner
I lived in Tucson from 1980 - 2005. Tucson is a city that has for a long time embraced its Native American and Hispanic cultural influences. Prior to the US buying the Arizona territory, it was part of Mexico and prior to that part of New Spain. Hispanic Catholicism is unique in it’s blend of Native American religious beliefs that serve as the foundation upon which catholicism was built. Growing up in this environment allowed me to understand life and death from a unique point of view; along with the concepts of remembrance, reverence, celebration, respect, ancestral worship; ideals that reach towards an immortality of the soul.
I have driven this route more than 20 times in my life, the first time was when I was 16. Each time I noticed the Escanos on the side of the road, and each time I noticed that they had aged, but not in proportion to what the harsh unforgiving desert can do. I began to understand that people take care of them, put new candles, new flowers, replaced old and faded fake flowers, repainted; sometimes drank a beer and left a beer for the soul of the departed.
I bought my camera for 8 dollars at a pawn shop; the very same camera I use to this day. I bought a handful of Kodak black and white film. Put 300 dollars in my pocket and drove.
I had become to feel at peace driving that route - a serenity and tranquility would always overwhelm me. The Sonoran desert is harsh there, summer highs at 44 to 48 degrees Celsius. It is a flat area with spikes of mountains here and there. The ground is rough and sharp on the Arizona side; molten hot sand on the Mexican side; sand an shrubs for 65 km before you hit the sea. You can smell the sea for 65 km but don’t know where it is until you are almost in it.
Nothing is there to break the sun except the rare storm. But for some reason that huge expanse of sky - a pure blue resting so far above your head - you feel comforted and free. You can see for hundreds of kilometers and the only reason you can’t see further is because of some mountains that prevents you from seeing all the way to the edge of the earth.
It was a rainy evening drive to Puerto Penasco. A truck had jack-knifed on the highway on the Sonora 8. It had come to a rest across
both lanes of traffic. My brakes locked on the slippery road. I got off the petal and steered my car off the road and onto the embankment; just missing the back end of the truck by a couple of meters. Wet thick sand held my tires tight as I descended off the highway. I know that if I had died on that highway, there would be no memorial for me - I’m not of that culture..
I wanted to take the pictures as a sign of respect, as a sign that I understood, and if I could, offer them one more form of immortality.
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