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    1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7
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张智洲 在艺搜查询

出生年份: 1985
籍    贯: 吉林









2012  “我们毕业了”联展 798“韵画廊”.

2010  “首届八大美院版画系优秀毕业生联展” 今日美术馆

2010   作品《左·右》系列,“中央美术学院毕业展”获三等奖

2009   作品《城市》在“中央美术学院校教学评估成果展”获二等奖

2007   中央美术学院基础部风景作品展览中,风景写生作品三幅留校








Zhizhou Zhang


Born in Jilin Province, 1985


Graduated from the No.6 Studio Printmaking Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2010

Living in Beijing now


Exhibitions and Awards

2012   works exhibited in the Yun Gallery of 798 Art Museum during the group exhibition of Our Graduation

2010   works exhibited in the Today Art Museum during the First Group Exhibition of the Excellent Graduation Works from Eight Academy of Fine Arts in China

2010   the series works THE LEFT vs. THE RIGHT got third award in the Exhibition of Graduation Works of Central Academy of Fine Arts

2009  the work CITY got second award in the Exhibition of Teaching Evaluation of Central Academy of Fine Arts

2007   three landscape sketches stored by school in the Exhibition of Landscape Sketches from Department of Basic in  Central Academy of Fine Arts


Background of creation

I made a design drawing of a one-handed gamepad on one of my college courses in 2007. For my personal reason that I had my left hand amputated because of disease, the original intention of this piece of work was to design a one-handed gamepad so that I can play the two-handed games as normal people. This piece of work made me start to rethink what influence my lost left hand had on me and what I had really lost. I decided to give a new presence of the absence of my left hand in more different art forms.


In 2010, a series of my graduation works named THE LEFT vs. THE RIGHT are the comparisons between of works drawn by my left arm and right hand. This series of works began the journey of the study of myself. During the art creation and the presence of the works, many words and concepts trapped me in the contradiction, such as “what is the definition of completeness?”, “what is beauty?”, “what is the standard of a decent painting” and “whether the works finished by my left arm and right hand should be identical or not”. Thus, I realized that I was doing an experiment instead of drawing and I was trying to looking for the true self in the constant process of denying, affirming, destroying and constructing.


After graduation, I started a series works named PRESENTS, which were inspired by my left arm (the one without hand).In this series of works, I felt that every piece of work was a present given by my lost left hand and with this invisible hand I was looking for the unique art language and working method that belonged to the true and natural self without disguise.