- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 9.3分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:12年
- 展厅面积:3000平米
- 地 区:北京-朝阳-草场地
1977年 出生于吉林省长春市
1996年 考入中央美术学院雕塑系,在校期间任院学生会主席
2001年 毕业于中央美术学院雕塑系,获学士学位,其毕业创作被中央美院陈列馆陈列并收藏
2004年 《阿炳》全国美展获优秀作品奖,收藏于无锡图书馆旧址
2005年 《两弹一星元勋群像》系列大型浮雕,收藏于中国国防大学
2006年 为法国总统希拉克所做肖像更被作为国家重礼赠与法国永久收藏
2007年 创办温阔工作室,由中央美院艺术家组成的雕塑专业团队,其作品深受业界与社会各界的好评
2009年《无题》赴法国参加《70 80 90》中法艺术家联展
2010年《王安石》大型雕塑 收藏于江西名人园
1977 Born in ChangChun city JiLin Province1996 entered Sculpture Department of CAFC and was the chairman of the students association2001 graduate with honors from Sculpture Department of CAFC Bachelor’s degree. The graduate work was collected and displayed by The Central Academy of Fine Arts Gallery.
Major works
2004 the work ABING got the Excellent Award of The National Art Exhibition and was collected by Wuxi Library
2005 the work ZHONGGONGYINGLUO for Dongzhongwangcheng square Luoyang city Henan province was created.
2005 the series LIANGDANYIXINGYUANXUN were collected by China National Defense University.
2006 The sculpture CHIRAC (French President) was given to France government as gift.
2007 WENKUO Studio was formed
2008 The sculpture GREATWALL displayed in the HQ of China Datang Corporation(Beijing).
2009 the work NO TITILE participated in 70 80 90 Sino-French artist works exhibition.
2009 statue of DONGZHONGSHU was collected by Dushu Garden Dezhou city
2010 statue of WANGANSHI was collected by Mingren Garden Jiangxi province.
2010 statue of WANGANSHI was collected by Mingren Garden Jiangxi province