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杰尼亚 在艺搜查询

出生年份: 1986
籍    贯: 国外-国外地区



艺术家的生活 - 是一个持续的工作,包括周末,节假日,甚至在睡眠中。每一天,我绘制我周围的轮廓,通过这样的工作来填补我的视觉库,它训练我的视觉记忆,以及对周围世界的认识。每一次对细节的再现,都会让我看到一些新的东西。

我喜欢用科学的方法,它是直接对世界的理解以及如何按比例增加并探测到其神秘性。“ - 让生活困难”我不同意这一看法。真正的知识 - 了解和理解 - 这使你可以看到周围的可能性。例如,一个艺术家有能力产生新的图像。

艺术家都有其独特的世界眼光。作为一个艺术家,他的工作(或义务),是为了表达他周围的世界,因为他看到和感觉。通过他的作品中,人们可以重温类似的经历,改变你对生活的感悟。睁开你的眼睛,新的生活方式 - 艺术的神奇。我的作品吸引人们去注意日常生活中的细节,并从我的角度来观察。我想展现内心的音乐和我们周围的能量流。生物或非生物的形式,树木或电线杆与电线 - 整个事情都是在表现不同形式的生命能量。我看着它,并尝试将它转变成一种形式的图片,走进观众的灵魂。这种能量,可以绕过人们心中充满了成见和唯物主义的屏障。

EvgenyBondarenko 1986 birth
studied at the Rostov Art College. Named MB Grekovat "painting" 2003-2005
Can draw the left and right hand.
Author of the international project "Impulse life. Cities »(http://evgenybondarenko.com/About-Impulse-of-Life)
His works are in private collections in USA , France , China, Russia
His teachers ( Honored Artist of Russia , representatives of the old school of Russian painting )
Metalnikov Ivan
Kurmanaevsky Alexey

Awards and competitions
Awarded the Gold Medal Award at the Fourth All-Russian Delphic Games (dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War 1945 year ) "We remember ...", with the support of Ministry of Culture of Russia. Ryazan .2005 .

Member of the All-Russian plein air " Quiet Flows the Don " , dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Russian writer Mikhail Sholokhov . Landmarks village .2005 .

Had Scholarship (for good study) of Russianpresident Vladimir Putin. 2005 .

Group exhibitions and projects:
Member of the international charity exhibition "Children around the World", Shanghai Urban Planning Museum, organizers Shanghai Woman Federation. March 2014

Masterclass drawing on the urban environment , " Pulse of the city ", gallery " Dial ", Rostov- on-Don, Russia . February. 2014

Group exhibition «Sketch Rostov», gallery Dial , with the support of the Academy of Architecture in Rostov- on-Don , Rostov- on-Don, Russia . January 2014

Visiting artist, an international art project Swatch Group "The Swatch Art Peace Hotel" February - July 2013, Shanghai, China
International Exhibition of Chinese Art Museum , Xitang, China
Artist in the festival " Peace Art" , Moscow International House of Music, with the support of Ministry of Culture of Moscow. June 22 2011.

Artist in the festival " Boulevard of Arts " dedicated to the city of Moscow. supported by the Ministry of Culture of Moscow. September 4, 2011.

Member of the Regional Festival of Arts " Don Palette", with the support of Ministry of Culture of the Southern Federal District , Rostov- on-Don, Russia . 2010.

Personal exhibitions:
- Personal exhibition in the building of the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Shanghai , Shanghai, China . March 2014
- "Impulse Cities " Dial Gallery , Rostov- on-Don, Russia . February 2014
- «Shanghai lines», Little victories gallery, Shanghai, China 2013
- "Pulse of Life" , the museum, Xitang, China 2013
 - " Weekdays - Russian artist in Shanghai », Bazaar Compatible Program, Shanghai, China 2013
- "Landscapes of Rostov-on -Don ", Rostov- on-Don, Russia 2013
- "Portraits of Charles Bukowski ," Gallery JAM, Moscow, Russia 2011

Book «Shanghai Zen», illustration EvgenyBondarenko, text Genevieve Flaven, publisher Les Xerographes, 2917717300 , Paris , France. Publication date: 01.03.2014