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2023-02-23 15:01:43      作者:温钦画廊     来源:www.o2oart.cn



作品名称:《Saint Andres》

作品作者:克劳德.莫奈 Claude Monet



原作材质:油画画布 Oil on canvas

市场估价:2013.06.18 佳士得伦敦 成交价:GBP 2861875,USD 4430620


Paris Bouchard Collection

Acquired from the above on 3 November 1938, Galerie Durand Rouai, Paris

M. Coppez, France Acquired from the above on 24 November 1938

James Coleman, London Acquired at Christie's London, 1 July 1974, LOT.7

Collection of Rose Marie Kansler, Detroit; sold at Sotheby's London, 4 December 1990, LOT.2

Acquired by an anonymous collector at Sotheby's London, November 27, 1995, LOT.9

Acquired from the above by a previous owner on 14 July 2004 and sold at Christie's (London)

on 18 June 2013, SALE 1131, LOT.17

Acquired from Poly Shanghai Auction in 2016



Claude Monet, Biographie et Catalogue Raisonne Vol. 1 P226 1974

Claude Monet, Catalogue Raisonne Vol.5 P27 1991 edition

"Monet, Catalogue Raisonne" Vol. 2 P114-115 1996 Edition



"Saint Andrés" depicts a coastal view near the small town of Le Havre, painted by Claude Monet in 1873. As such, the work dates back to the pivotal years before the first exhibition of Impressionism - when Monet helped launch the movement with a series of paintings depicting Saint Andreas.

The landscape in the picture of Saint Andrés is the view of the inward bend of the Seine estuary by the coast as the artist faces north, towards Heidelberg. The Norman coast and its wider environment provided Monet with a wealth of subject matter and served as a training ground for his Impressionist style, proving that he was an important precursor to Impressionism.

A close look of of "Saint Andres" makes it clear that the painting also bears a strong impressionist style that brought artistic exploration to the fore in 1874 (the second year after the painting on another path, with far-reaching consequences. Although it shows a daytime sea level and beach, rather than the harbor at dawn as depicted in Impression Sunrise, the work similarly uses a lot of flying brush strokes to convey the twinkling The sense of movement, for those who appreciate it on site, is a detail that adds an essential sensory character to the scene in the painting. From the sails in the background and the sails in the middle area, and the group of people on the small boat on the shore on the right side of the frame, the sense of movement is enhanced by the depiction of various details.

Together these details reveal a pioneering and bold Impressionist Monet, as well as his older mentors, Eugène Boudin and Johan Barthold Jongkind. They all painted this coast on the shores of St Andreas. This is where Monet came to prominence, and here he achieved his earliest success. Therefore, it is more appropriate to say that the year 1873 of San Andreas in his work became eternity, and after that turn, the landscape became one of the most legendary exhibitions in the history of art. "Saint Andreas" shows a great combination of avant-garde artistic approach and everyday familiar scenery. Since then, Monet's fame has been spread and continued in the world for a long time.


在2022年最高成交TOP 100中,印象派作品占据19席,印证了其广泛的市场号召力。尤其是印象派大师克劳德·莫奈有10件作品上拍,总成交4.39亿美元(约30.5亿人民币)。并刷新了乔治·修拉、文森特·梵高、保罗·塞尚、保罗·高更、保罗·西涅克、埃德加·德加,共6位艺术家刷新个人最高拍卖纪录,爱德华·马奈、皮耶·奥格斯特·雷诺阿创下个人拍卖第二高价。




作品名称:《夕阳下的国会大楼》《Le Parlement, soleil couchant》

作品作者:克劳德.莫奈 Claude Monet



收藏家: 安妮·巴斯珍藏



成交价: 7,596万美元(拍前估价 USD|4,000万-6,000万)


克劳德.莫奈 Claude Monet 艺术简历


奥斯卡-克劳德·莫奈(法文:Oscar-Claude Monet,1840年11月14日-1926年12月5日),法国画家,被誉为“印象派领导者”,是印象派代表人物和创始人之一。










巴勃罗·毕加索 Pablo Picasso, 安迪.沃霍尔, 文森特.梵高 Vincent Gogh, 亨利.马蒂斯 Henri Matisse, 弗里达·卡罗 F.KAHLO, 格哈德·里希特 G.Richter, 威廉·阿道夫·布格罗 W A Bouguereau, 马克·夏加尔 M. Chagall, 克劳德·莫奈 C.Monet, 伦勃朗·哈尔曼松·凡·莱因 Rembrandt, 圭尔奇诺 Guercino, 马蒂亚·普雷蒂 Preti, 翁贝特·波丘尼 U. Boccioni, 鲁西奥·芳塔纳 L.Fontana, 弗朗西斯·培根 F. Bacon, 让-米歇尔·巴斯奎特J.M.Basquiat, 拉斐尔·桑西 Raffaello, 卡纳列托 A. Canaletto, 保罗·委罗内塞 Veronese, 皮埃尔·奥古斯特·雷诺阿 P.A. Renoir, 保罗·塞尚 P.Cezanne, 雷尼·马格利特 R.Magritte, 萨尔瓦多.达利 S. Dali, 阿梅代奥·莫迪利亚尼 A.Modigliani, 希罗尼穆斯·博斯 H.Bosch, 弗朗西斯科·戈雅 F.Goya, 彼得·保罗·鲁本斯 P.P. Rubens, 丁托列托 Tintoretto, 弗朗索瓦·布歇 F. Boucher, 安东尼·凡·克 A.Van Dyck, 弗朗西斯柯·德·苏巴朗 F. Zurbaran, 卢西奥.丰塔纳, 草间弥生, Kaws, 奈良美智, 赵无极等
