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2024-06-11 15:59:35      作者:温钦画廊     来源:www.o2oart.cn

法比安·特雷伯 ​Fabian Treiber





——Fabian Treibe



法比安·特雷伯(Fabian Treibe)1986年出生于德国吕德维希堡,他的创作受敦煌艺术影响,擅长用落差色系和去透视构图去呈现黄昏和深夜的诗意时刻。单独的物体,人类存在的痕迹与关于自然风光、植物、草地的观念相融合。通过特雷伯独特的图像语言,创造出一种超现实、神秘而特定的氛围。这使得观众可以自行解读,并将这些图像转化为属于个人的联想、解释和故事的投影空间。



Fabian Treiber

There Must Be Other Ways 2023

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

150 x 370 cm, 59 x 145 5/8 in




Fabian Treiber

I Was Up Before Dawn 2023/24

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

160 x 350 cm, 63 x 137 3/4 in




Fabian Treiber

Face The Strange 2023/24

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

180 x 260 cm, 70 7/8 x 102 3/8 in


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Fabian Treiber

Beyond It Starts To Fold In Slow Motion 2024

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

150 x 280 cm, 59 x 110 1/4 in



Fabian Treiber

A Matter Of Sensations 2023/24

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

110 x 310 cm, 43 1/4 x 122 in



Fabian Treiber

It's Not Late, It's Only Dark 2024

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

130 x 280 cm, 51 1/8 x 110 1/4 in



Fabian Treiber

The Time For Us 2024

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

150 x 220 cm, 59 x 86 5/8 in



Fabian Treiber

Everything Can Be Replaced 2024

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

120 x 240 cm, 47 1/4 x 94 1/2 in



Fabian Treiber

What I Found 2023

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

150 x 180 cm, 59 x 70 7/8 in



Fabian Treiber

All I See 2024

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

90 x 230 cm, 35 3/8 x 90 1/2 in



Fabian Treiber

You Can't Hide What You Intend 2023

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

170 x 110 cm, 66 7/8 x 43 1/4 in



Fabian Treiber

Passing Through 2024

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

160 x 110 cm, 63 x 43 1/4 in



Fabian Treiber

It Ain't Yet Come 2024

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

150 x 110 cm, 59 x 43 1/4 in



Fabian Treiber

Closer Every Day 2023

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

90 x 60 cm, 35 3/8 x 23 5/8 in



Fabian Treiber

Piece Of Ground 2023

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

90 x 60 cm, 35 3/8 x 23 5/8 in



Fabian Treiber

Others 2023/24

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

50 x 40 cm, 19 5/8 x 15 3/4 in



Fabian Treiber

Others 2023/24

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

50 x 40 cm, 19 5/8 x 15 3/4 in



Fabian Treiber

Others 2023/24

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

50 x 40 cm, 19 5/8 x 15 3/4 in



Fabian Treiber

Others 2023/24

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

50 x 40 cm, 19 5/8 x 15 3/4 in



Fabian Treiber

Others 2023/24

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

50 x 40 cm, 19 5/8 x 15 3/4 in



Fabian Treiber

Others 2023/24

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

50 x 40 cm, 19 5/8 x 15 3/4 in



Fabian Treiber

Others 2023/24

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

50 x 40 cm, 19 5/8 x 15 3/4 in



Fabian Treiber

Others 2023/24

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

50 x 40 cm, 19 5/8 x 15 3/4 in



Fabian Treiber

Others 2023/24

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

50 x 40 cm, 19 5/8 x 15 3/4 in



Fabian Treiber

Others 2023/24

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

50 x 40 cm, 19 5/8 x 15 3/4 in



Fabian Treiber

Others 2023/24

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

50 x 40 cm, 19 5/8 x 15 3/4 in



Fabian Treiber

Others 2023/24

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

50 x 40 cm, 19 5/8 x 15 3/4 in



Fabian Treiber

Others 2023/24

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

50 x 40 cm, 19 5/8 x 15 3/4 in



Fabian Treiber

Others 2023/24

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

50 x 40 cm, 19 5/8 x 15 3/4 in



Fabian Treiber

Others 2023/24

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

50 x 40 cm, 19 5/8 x 15 3/4 in



Fabian Treiber

Others 2023/24

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

50 x 40 cm, 19 5/8 x 15 3/4 in



Fabian Treiber

Others 2023/24

acrylic, ink, oil crayon and pastels on nettle

50 x 40 cm, 19 5/8 x 15 3/4 in


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——Fabian Treibe






温钦画廊私洽代理国际顶流艺术家的原作(如果客户有其他特定艺术家作品的需求,我们会用海外艺术资源为您寻找):   巴勃罗·毕加索 Pablo Picasso,安迪.沃霍尔文森特.梵高Vincent Gogh亨利.马蒂斯Henri Matisse弗里达·卡罗 F.KAHLO格哈德·里希特 G.Richter威廉·阿道夫·布格罗 W A Bouguereau马克·夏加尔M. Chagall克劳德·莫奈 C.Monet, 伦勃朗·哈尔曼松·凡·莱因 Rembrandt圭尔奇诺 Guercino, 马蒂亚·普雷蒂 Preti, 翁贝特·波丘尼 U. Boccioni鲁西奥·芳塔纳 L.Fontana弗朗西斯·培根 F. Bacon让-米歇尔.巴斯奎特J.M.Basquiat拉斐尔·桑西 Raffaello卡纳列托 A. Canaletto, 保罗·委罗内塞 Veronese, 皮埃尔.奥古斯特.雷诺阿 P.A. Renoir保罗.塞尚P.Cezanne雷尼·马格利特 R.Magritte萨尔瓦多.达利 S. Dali阿梅代奥.莫迪利亚尼 A.Modigliani, 希罗尼穆斯·博斯 H.Bosch, 弗朗西斯科.戈雅 F.Goya, 彼得.保罗.鲁本斯 P.P. Rubens, 丁托列托 Tintoretto, 弗朗索瓦·布歇 F. Boucher, 安东尼·凡·克 A.Van Dyck, 弗朗西斯柯·德·苏巴朗 F. Zurbaran, 草间弥生Kaws奈良美智, 赵无极等    
