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2011-04-15 11:01:42          

  (雅昌艺术网讯) 水墨是文化的物质载体,也是艺术家身份的象征。   蒋非默的水墨作品就是当代生活一个符号化的注解,同时也是把记忆中对自然、神迹、道体的敬仰转化为后现代文明的惊喜渴望。是建立在人性层面上的造物语义,是创造力、想象力的衍生——人的自由与禁锢,放纵与自律,坦诚与虚伪,稳重与轻浮,执著与脆弱……粉墨登场,来之又去,周而复始,若隐若现,在强烈的催促中得以呈现。绘画的主题和意义被消解,视觉的确定性和教化性被模糊,没有记录,没有叙述,取而代之的是一种经验式的情绪。在当代语境和历史絮语的辨证中,将象征性和意象性的主题转化为纯粹的图式。自身的形象变得模糊,参与者将在不同体验中达到象征的意义和意象的情绪。   Famour Jiang’s water ink work could be regarded as a symbolic annotation to the contemporary life, they transform meanwhile the esteem to the nature, the God and the Daoism in his memory into a surprise & aspiration in a post-modernist civilization. It’s an expression of the God based on human natures, deriving from the creativity, imagination – human being’s freedom and durance, indulgence and self-discipline, sincerity and hypocrisy, stoutness and levity, persistence and fragility…all these paradoxes come and go in turns, round and round, gleaming, not showing up until being strongly pressed. The motif and sense of painting are dissipated, the visual certainty and moralization are blurred, no record, no depiction, the experiential emotion overwhelms. In the dialectics of contemporary context and the historic statements, the symbolic & imago motifs are transformed into the pure patterns. The image itself becomes vague, the participants will realize the sense of symbolism and the emotion of imago through different experiences. The strong emotion changes are reflected from the microcosmic perspectives, the individual’s feelings, together with the social life and the “being” experience are emphasized. 展览名称:困守一隅的敏锐 —— 钤 蒋非默水墨艺术作品展 展期:2007年03月10日——2007年3月23日 地点:闲人艺术画廊(上海莫干山路50号3号楼) 电话Tel: 021-29728705 13916650797 主办Organizers: 闲人艺术画廊 明德名堂 策展Planning Exhibition: 戴明德 师 维 支持Co-sponsors: 上海创意产业中心 熙可集团
