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2011-04-15 11:02:17          

  (雅昌艺术网讯) 由乌克兰驻上海总领事馆、乌克兰国家艺术科学总院、朱屺瞻艺术馆联袂举办的《传承与发展——乌克兰当代名家绘画精品展》,于4月6日至4月12日在朱屺瞻艺术馆隆重展出。   这个画展由上海人刚视觉艺术工作室策展,经与乌克兰美术界特别是乌克兰艺术科学总院的推荐,由乌克兰艺术科学院主席、人民艺术家、乌克兰国立美术与建筑科学院院长安德烈.契贝京和乌克兰艺术科学院院士、人民艺术家、前基辅美协主席瓦西利·古林领衔,参展画家中不乏人民艺术家和功勋艺术家,其中有被誉为乌克兰的“毕加索”别梁斯基、野兽派代表塔拉达科夫、新生代画家亚塞涅夫等,可见总阵容之强,规格之高。   乌克兰绘画如同其它文学艺术一样,具有悠久与深厚的传统,并日益呈现出个性化的特点。杰出的乌克兰艺术家们,决定了乌克兰绘画在欧洲乃至世界上无有伦比、风格独特的高水平艺术地位。培育了列宾、雅勃隆斯卡娅等享誉全球的绘画大师,尤其是在20世纪,乌克兰绘画都以其题材和风格的广博及其艺术手法的丰富而闻名,从古典形象到全新的形式上的标新立异,在最初的几十年里,表现得尤为鲜明。乌克兰的艺术家们积极参与了欧洲先锋画派的创立,并在许多方面成为这一画派的奠基者。它对中国绘画也产生过巨大影响。   展览的83件作品,较全面反映了当今乌克兰画坛多元化格局的面貌。乌克兰画家们的作品题材丰富,在现代化表现手法多彩纷呈的情况下,古典学院派绘画仍占有一定的地位,并保留至今。这就使得各个艺术流派,其中也包括最新的画派都保持了很高的艺术水准。画家们受过良好的艺术教育,绘画功底十分扎实,身处在巨变时代,亲历了社会变革,他们的生存体验、个人感受、艺术表达已不同于他们的前人。地处欧洲使乌克兰画家更易接受西方现代艺术的影响,一是西方现代艺术的直接传入,再是画家们在回归艺术本体过程中,已不满足于传统绘画的叙事方式,而与西方现代艺术的语言风格不谋而合。令人感动的是,他们能以空前的勇气摆脱了画外的种种附加束缚,冲破了僵化的创作戒律,突破了前苏联造型艺术的社会主义现实主义的狭益性,呈现出活跃的创造性思维及与外部世界对话的多样性,给乌克兰绘画以新的生命活力。传统与现代是互动递进的,艺术格局总是多元化的。传承与发展是必然的,但乌克兰民族的文化精神是永恒的。   总之,乌克兰绘画无论经历了多少风雨晴晦,总是顽强地保留着那永恒不变的原则——对自然的优美抒写,对生命的热情赞美。也将更接近自然本质与人性本质,人们可在展览中品味出乌克兰绘画这一特定文化的精神、气息、美感与魅力。   Heritage and Development——Exhibition of the selected paintings by present-age Ukraine Masters,which is co-held by Consulate General of Ukraine in Shanghai, the national Art academy of Ukraine and Zhu Qizhan Art Museum, will be on show at Zhu Qizhan Art Museum from April 6th to April 12th.   The art exhibition is masterminded by Shanghai Rengang Visual Art Studio. Ukraine art circles, especially the national Art academy of Ukraine recommend, Mr. CHEBYKIN ANDRIL, the chairman of state Art academy of Ukraine, an Artist of the People who is also the president of Ukrainian National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture and Mr. GURIN ASYL, the academician of state Art academy of Ukraine, an Artist of the People who is also the former chairman of the Art association of Kiev to head the list. Many artists participate in the exhibition are Artist of the People or Honored Artist. Among them, there is Mr. BELENSKI OLEKSIY who is taken as “Picasso” of Ukraine; Mr. TARATAKOVSKI ANATOLIY who is deputy of Fauvism; Mr. YASENIEV OLEG, the artist who stands for artists of the new generation, etc. Therefore this exhibition has a great lineup fully shows its high standard.   The brush work of Ukraine, as well as other arts there, bears remote and profound traditions and unfolds more individuation in the characteristics day by day. Outstanding Ukraine artists determine the country’s incomparable, unique and high standard artistic status in Europe and even in the world. Repin、Yablonskaya and many other world famous masters in painting were fostered there. In the 20th century, especially in the early years, the brush work in Ukraine was famous for its abundant theme sources and styles together with its rich expressive techniques in both classical images and unconventional or unorthodox brand new forms. The artists of Ukraine actively participated in the of the genre of European Pioneers and in many ways, became the founders of this genre, which had greatly affected Chinese paintings at one time.   The 83 pieces of exhibits comprehensively reflect today’s visage of Multi-Format situation in Ukraine Art circles. Ukraine artists use abundant theme sources in their works. Though there is more variety of choices in modern expressive techniques, the classical academism art still keep its position and are well-preserved today. All these help maintain the high art level among all genres, including the latest ones. Artists are all well educated in the aspect of art and have sound basic skills in painting. They come across an age of tremendous changes and experienced social transformations which lead to new life experiences, individual feelings and expressions of art quite different than before. Due to the country’s location, Ukraine artist accept more easily the modern western artistic impactions. One is the direct introduction to the modern western arts. The other is when artists are on the way to return the noumenon of art, they no longer settle for the traditional narrative style and this happen to have the same view with the language manner in modern western art. It is quite impressive that with unprecedented courage, they shake off all adds-on bondage beyond painting, broke through the rigescent painting commandment and pierced into the parochialism in the plastic art of the former Soviet Union due to its socialism and realism. The vibrant creative thinking and diversity in communication with the outer world they unfold endow Ukraine brushworks with fresh vigor of life. Traditions and modernism boost each other and the structure of art will remain its Multi-Format. Heritage and development are inevitable but the culture spirit of the nation of Ukraine will be immutable.   In sum, whatever ups and downs the brushwork of Ukraine may encounter, it will sturdily reserve its invariable principles, which is the exquisite portrayal of the nature and passionate lauds to life. It will touch the essence of both nature and human. Visitors can taste the soul, tinge, aesthetic feeling and charms of this unique cultural behind Ukraine brushworks through this exhibition. 参展艺术家: 瓦西里·古林GURIN ASYL、 阿列克斯·费拉索夫PRYKHODKO OLEH、奥列格·亚赛涅夫 YASENIEV OLEG、阿莲娜·拔拉玛拉丘克ELENA PALAMARCHUK、费拉·芭利诺娃 BARYNOVA VIRA、咔娅涅·阿塔扬ATAYAN GAYANE、郑人刚ZHENG REN GANG、 安德烈·契贝京CHEBYKIN ANDRIL、奥列格·普里霍琴科PRYKHODKO OLEH、 费拉基米拉·尼克金NIKITIN VOLODYMYR、亚历山大·别梁斯基BELENSKI OLEKSIY、 安纳托列·塔拉塔科夫斯基TARATAKOVSKI ANATOLIY、勃拉赫涅夫·斯维亚达斯拉伐PORAHONEV SLAVA、米科拉·卡巴涅茨KOMPANETS MYKOLA、安纳托列·佐尔科、ZORKO ANATOLIY 开幕式:2007年4月6日(星期五) 15:00 展期:2007年4月6日至4 月12日 地点:朱屺瞻艺术馆2、3楼 上海虹口区欧阳路580号 主办:乌克兰驻上海总领事馆、乌克兰国家艺术科学总院、朱屺瞻艺术馆 开放时间:10:00——17:00(16:30停止售票),逢星期一休馆 联系电话(传真):021-56710742(麦丰) mary27art@yahoo.com.cn 021-65405637(卢星) nhkbook@hotmail.com
