- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 9.5分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:24年
- 展厅面积:530平米
- 地 区:河北-石家庄

徐福厚,1954生于河北省武安县伯延镇。1982毕业于河北师范大学美术系,获学士学位,并留校任教。1986考入湖北美院,师从杨立光,刘依闻,尚扬先生研究油画技法与创作,攻读硕士学位。1990通过硕士论文答辩,回河北师大任教,现任河北师范大学美术学院院长,教授 ,中国美术家协会会员,河北省美协副主席。作品曾参加第七届,第八届,第九届,第十届全国美展,第二届,第三届中国油画展,`91`93中国油画年展,‘98亚太地区当代艺术邀请展亚太地区当代艺术邀请展(福州),当代中国绘画展等(意大利),中国当代油画精英七人展(台北)等重要学术性展览。并在香港中国油画廊,上海视平线画廊,北京国际艺苑,深圳美术馆举办个人展;中国油画学会理事。
Xu Fuhou
1954 Born in Wuan, Hebei Province
1982 Graduated From and started to teach at the Fine Arts Department of Hebei Teachers’ University and obtained the B.A.degree.
1986 Hubei Academy of Fine Arts. Studied with Prof. Yangliguang、Liu yiwen、Shangyang and majored in oil-painting skill and creation for master’s degree.
1900 Passed the degree dissertation discussing and went back to teach at the Fine Arts Department of Hebei Teachers’ University.
The headmaster and professorship at Fine Arts Department of Hebei Teachers’ University.
The member of Chinese Artists’ Association.
The Vice-chairman of Hebei Artists’ Association.
The Seventh、Eighth and Ninth National Art Exhibition;
The Second and Third National oil-painting Exhibition;
1991、1993 National oil-painting Annual Exhibition;
1998 Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition of Asia-Pacific area( FuZhou);
The Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition (Italy);
The Chinese Contemporary oil-painting Exhibition of Seven Elite (Taibei);
Individual Exhibition at Hong Kong Chinese oil-painting Gallery、Shanghai Eye
Level Gallery 、Beijing Crown Plaza Gallery and Shenzhen Gallery