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  • 印象:
    院子不错 清静 空间很大 很活跃 独门立户
  • 经营时间:
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  • 无图

  • 无图





艺 术 家 | 王恩来

开幕时间 | 2017.6.16 4:00pm

展览周期 | 2017.6.16 – 7.22

展览地点 | 站台中国当代艺术机构(北京朝阳区酒仙桥路2号798艺术区中二街D07)









王恩来,1989年生于辽宁大连,现工作及生活于北京。2016年硕士毕业于中央美术学院雕塑系,曾获得艺术8中国青年艺术家奖。近年主要个展包括:《临时关系——王恩来个展》站台中国当代艺术机构,北京,中国(2017);《动静——王恩来个人作品展》,艺术8,北京,中国(2015)。近年群展包括:《另一种选择-第三届今日文献展》,今日美术馆,北京,中国(2016);《空间协商:没想到你是这样的》第三届CAFAM双年展,中央美术学院美术馆,北京,中国(2016);《第三届中国国际装置艺术论坛暨装置艺术展》,今日美术馆,北京,中国(2016);《枪与玫瑰——中国当代艺术展》,波茨坦艺术空间,德国(2016);《墙势力——首届墙报艺术家展》,今日美术馆,北京,中国(2016);《现在将来时,波恩当代艺术馆》,德国(2015);《移动|驿动—— 从中国青年艺术的现实表征到香港相遇后的改变》,Kll美术馆,香港,中国(2015)。


Wang Enlai : Temporary Relation


Artist | Wang Enlai

Reception | 2017.6.16 4pm

Duration | 2017.6.16 - 7.22

Venue | Platform China Contemporary Art Institute (D07 Main 2nd Street, 798 Art District, No.2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China)


PLATFORM CHINA is honored to announce the inaugural solo exhibition of Wang Enlai, featuring the newest installation works of the artist. The exhibition will be on view from 16, June to 22, July.


“What I care about is, instead of the symbolic meaning of the materials, the inner logic of the physical characteristics of the materials which can isolate the materials from the original functional context and generate a new relationship in the materials within their mutual interaction.” said Wang Enlai.


Most of Wang Enlai’s creation materials are ready-made things. Ready-made thing inherently bears symbolic meaning. Nevertheless, works of the artist weakened the symbolic meaning of the material, while focused on the physical characteristics of the essence of the material. The ready-made things in his works are paired up into paradoxical perfect matches. This kind of perfect match represents a constructional temporary relation. On the other hand, the physical characteristics endow the works with a tendency of collapsing which will finally make this ideological temporary relation realized. In this exhibition, fan, tire, glass, bulb…these ready-made things are deconstructed and reconstructed, and hereby formed “temporary relation” in different dimensions and different meanings.




Wang Enlai was born in Dalian, Liaoning Province, China in 1968. He Graduated from the Sculpture Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts with a master’s degree, Won the Prize YISHU 8-China. Selected solo exhibitions : “Temporary Relation” Wang Enlai Solo Exhibition, Platform China Contemporary Art Institute, Beijing, China (2017) ; “Movement\Motionless- Wang Enlai solo Exhibition”, YISHU 8 Sino-French Art Center, Beijing, China (2015) . Selected group exhibitions :  “BRIC-à-brac:The Jumble of Growth” The 3rd Today’s Documents, Today Art Museum, Beijing , China(2016); The Third CAFAM Biennial “Negotiating Space: I Never Thought You Were Like That”, CAFA Art Museum(2016); “China International Forum for Art Installations & Exhibition for Art Installations”, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China(2016);  “Guns and Roses-Chinese Contemporary Art”, Kunstraum Potsdam c\o Waschhaus,Germany(2016); “Wall Power” Wallpost Artist Exhibition, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China(2016); “Now is Future”, Bonn Museum of Contemporary Art, Germany(2015); “Movement\Voyage-When the Reality Representation of Emerging Artist Converge in Hong Kong”, K11 Gallery, Hong Kong, China(2015).