
  • 资质:
  • 评分:
    1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 8.2
  • 印象:
    俄罗斯油画 四川美院 台湾美眉 油画多 大林小林
  • 经营时间:
  • 展厅面积:
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此次展览作品虽均以女性作为主题叙事, 但六位艺术家的描绘方式与视觉表达却有各自的审美取向与角度。艺术家选择不同时期,不同年龄阶段的女性,呈现的视角有凝视、有旁观甚至是背影,但均试图描绘主体本身的特色与性格,用温情的笔勾划出她们的美和魅力,微妙、细腻、敏感、多变。在看似平淡无奇甚至日常的状态中, 艺术家们透过“她”来表达内心的想法与对生命的真实感触。


The word “Her” is commonly referred to as a third person perspective of a woman.  But before the 20th century, there was no such word as “She” or “Her” which referred to woman in Chinese dictionary; as the Chinese character of “He” can also means “She”, and “Him” can also means “Her.”  The closest text to the word “Her” is “Sister” before the 20th century. It is not until after the 20th century, when the rises of woman’s right movement, the word “Her” in Chinese was created.  Therefore the word “Her” in Chinese bears many layers of meaning: the liberation of women and the evidence of respect in female.  The name of the exhibition “Her”, although in general referred to as the images of women, shows the differences in ideas and themes of women by different generations of artists, and the role of women as visual symbol throughout the artists’ creative process.


In this exhibition, although the main theme is female, the ways different artists describe and illustrate them aesthetically and visually are quite distinguishable.  The varieties of selections of ages and stages of women present different angles of perspective of female. The characteristics and attitudes of the persons, the beauties or charms of the characters and the subtle emotions and delicate changes of the facial expressions all effortlessly show through the theme of “Her.”