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Alicja Słaboń Urbaniak

Alicja Słaboń Urbaniak 在艺搜查询

Alicja Słaboń Urbani
出生年份: 1962
籍    贯: 国外-波兰



Born in Krakow. Graduated with honor from the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, she has developed her unique, recognizable style that consists in having the space simplified and flattened, which sometimes brings back to mind naive painting or primitive art, but always endowed with a diversity of colors and textures. Her works can be found in museums and private collections, especially at the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Berlin.


簡  介:


藝術家提供的資料 :


出生在克拉科夫。如今,她在克拉科夫附近的一個村莊Modlnica生活和工作。 1988年畢業於克拉科夫美術學院,她的畢業展作品獲得獎牌和榮譽畢業生的肯定。
Born in Krakow. Nowadays, she lives and works in Modlnica, a village situated nearby Krakow. In 1988, she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. For her diploma work she was awarded a medal and an honorable mention.

Since her graduation, she has been dealing continuously with artistic work. By practicing easel painting, she has developed her unique, recognizable style that consists in having the space simplified and flattened, which sometimes brings back to mind naive painting or primitive art, but always endowed with a diversity of colors and textures. Nevertheless, her ease of using the techniques and a masterly sense of colors will leave no doubts that she must be a professional artist.

Her considerable artistic achievements have been presented at many exhibitions, both individual and collective. She continues to collaborate with galleries in Poland and abroad. The works of this artist can be found in museums and private collections in Japan, USA, Scandinavia, Germany and France, and at the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Berlin.




Alicja Urbaniak的繪畫在配色、構圖、空間感上令人驚艷。奇幻景觀風格,但充滿了正向能量,讓人感受到周遭世界的美好。不管是普羅旺斯的薰衣草田,或是亞得里亞群島達爾馬提亞的水域,圖片記錄著最感人的時刻。

Painting Alicja Urbaniak offers amazing color, composition, sense of space. Most of the images - it's unreal still lifes and landscapes painted with passion and enormous freedom for which permits mastery of the workshop. It is in this painting the magic of a positive perception of the surrounding reality, sensitive look at the world and the ability to see its beauty. Pictures become a record of the most touching moments, memories zobaczonych places - lavender fields of Provence or emerging from the waters of the Adriatic islands Dalmatian.




精選展出(沒有區分個展或群展  )

1990        Pod Różą Art Gallery, Krakow, Poland

1990        Rack Art Gallery, Nuremberg, Germany

1991        Art Libre Gallery, Paris, France

1991        The Consulate General of the Republic of Poland, New York, USA在紐約的波蘭總領事館

1992        Aux Portes De L’art Gallery, Moret, France

1992        Barbara Krennmayer Art Gallery, Linz, Austria

1992        Maxymillian Art Gallery, Ansbach, Germany

1993        Va-Va Art Gallery, Warsaw, Poland

1994        Gallery Asteion , Tokyo, Japan

1995        Bon Ton Art Gallery, Vienna, Austria

1996        Voonoase Center, Zwolle, the Netherlands

1996        Bon Ton Art Gallery, Vienna, Austria.

1997        De Dilht Art Gallery, The Hague, the Netherlands

1998        The Katarzyna Napiórkowska Art Gallery, Warsaw, Poland

1998        Gallery V, Wehrden, Germany

1999        The Katarzyna Napiórkowska Art Gallery, Warsaw, Poland

2000        Bram Art Gallery, Hobro, Denmark

2000        Gallery Asteion, Tokyo, Japan.

2001        The Albemarle Gallery, London, Great Britain

2002        Bram Art Gallery, Hobro, Denmark

2002        The Katarzyna Napiórkowska Art Gallery, Warsaw, Poland

2003        Dr. Kupser Gallery, Ansbach, Germany

2003        Gallery Asteion, Tokyo, Japan

2004        ART-BV Gallery, Apeldoorn, the Netherlands

2005        Will Corp Art Gallery, Tokyo, Japan

2006        Gallery Asteion, Tokyo, Japan

2007        The Katarzyna Napiórkowska Art Gallery, Warsaw, Poland

2008        The Oriel Gallery, Dublin, Ireland

2008        Bram Art Gallery, Hobro, Denmark

2009        Gallery Asteion, Tokyo, Japan

2010        Irok Gallery, Horst, the Netherlands

2011        Kersten Art Gallery, Krakow, Poland

2011        The UT Downtown, “Art of Poland”, Knoxville, USA

2012        Gallery Mentana, Florence, Italy

2013        Gallery in Vauxhall Palace, Krzeszowice, Poland

2015        Gallery Bator , Szczyrk, Polska



1995        Kunst Messe FESPO’95, Zurich, Switzerland

1995        International Art Fair Siac’95, Strasbourg, France

2001        Art Fair, Hering, Denmark

2004        Art Fair, Copenhagen, Denmark

2009        Art Fair, Copenhagen, Denmark