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Maciej Urbaniak

Maciej Urbaniak 在艺搜查询

Maciej Urbaniak
出生年份: 1968
籍    贯: 国外-波兰




Born in Krakow, he is graduated from the Cracow Academy of Fine Arts. His works are decorative, full of colors, made in the system of mosaic discipline, through its unparalleled tapestry like texture. His women are subtle lover, someone's waiting in suspense visit. Still lifes and landscapes complement these unreal worlds. He has participated in many solo and group exhibitions. Permanent works of renowned galleries in the country and abroad.


簡  介:




精選展出紀錄 (沒有區分為個展、群展或藝博會)

1990        Herbert Huber Art Gallery, Hamburg, Germany

1991        Pod Różą Art Gallery, Krakow, Poland,

1991        Rack Art Gallery, Nuremberg, Germany

1992        Art Libre Gallery, Paris, France

1992        Consulate General of the Republic of Poland, New York, USA (在紐約的波蘭總領事館)

1993        Aux Portes de L’art Art Gallery, Moret, France

1993        Maximilian Art Gallery, Ansbach, Germany

1994        Va-Va Gallery, Warsaw, Poland

1994        Gallery Asteion, Tokyo, Japan

1995        Bon Ton Art Gallery, Vienna, Austria

1995        International Art Fair SIAC’95, Strasbourg, France

1995        Kunst Messe, FESPO’95, Zurich, Switzerland

1996        Ars Longa Art Gallery, Paris, France

1998        The Katarzyna Napiórkowska Art Gallery, Warsaw, Poland

1998        Gallery V, Wehrden, Germany

1999        Paulus Art Gallery, Hamburg, Germany

1999        The Katarzyna Napiórkowska Art Gallery, Warsaw, Poland

2000        Bram Art Gallery, Hobro, Denmark

2000        Totem Art Gallery, Uppsala, Sweden

2001        The Albemarle Gallery, London, Great Britain

2002        Paulus Art Gallery, Hamburg, Germany

2004        Kogen Art Gallery, Tokyo, Japan

2005        Gallery Asteion, Tokyo, Japan

2005        Dr. Kupser Art Gallery, Ansbach, Germany

2006        Gallery de Dilht, The Hague, the Netherlands

2006        Asteion Gallery, Tokyo, Japan

2007        The Katarzyna Napiórkowska Art Gallery, Warsaw, Poland

2008        Asteion Gallery, Tokyo, Japan

2009        Irok Gallery, Horst, the Netherlands

2011        The New Form Gallery, Trelleborg, Sweden

2012        Asteion Gallery, Tokyo, Japan

2012        Gallery Mentana, Florence, Italy

2013        Gallery in Vauxhall Palace, Krzeszowice, Poland.

2015        Gallery Bator , Szczyrk, Polska